WLCG Mattingley to Crondall - 25 miles

I've done 5 rides this week, including today's, totalling 154.7 miles, and 6,982 feet of climbing  That's quite a lot! No wonder my knees are weary climbing the stairs. 😆

With just 4 of us free today, I suggested we all get in the van and drive to Mattingley. Gill opted to drive herself there, so we met up at 9.45.  It was already 11 degrees, and time to discard neck buffs, wear fingerless gloves and after wearing cycling boots for months... it was lovely to wear shoes today. I wore my new lighter Castelli Jacket too.

Route link screenshot at end.

We headed through Rotherwick and Tylney Hall, and at Gill's request to find her handkerchief in the depths of her bag, I suggested we combine it with a "photo opportunity", and Lynne came up with this one. 

Wild Green Acres Market Garden and Micro Farm

At the entrance to Wild Green Acres

At Newnam X Roads, right onto the long downhill on Newman Road, then left Pot (hole! ) lane and Water End Lane. Still "Flood" signs up under the railbridge, but no actual flood. Over the A30 to Andwell, passing the Brewery, whose cafe is no longer. 

A few undulations now through Up Nateley and Greywell, with a right turn on Depford Road, towards Odiham. 
Depford Road as we climb towards Odiham.
I hate this road. Something about the gradient and it drags on. 

This was why I stopped on Deptford Road.
A VERY tidy bundle.

We arrived in Odiham at the mini roudabout cutting through the little lane called West Street, which I think 2 ladies said they had not done before. Really? Ive done that hundred of times!  Now turning right and around the church area, Gill and I opted for a quick pit stop. 

Pit stop, King Street Odiham. 
(one to paint? 😂)

With not one, but two articulated lorries coming down this very narrow road, we stayed well out of the way until the coast was clear. Soon we dropped down Cemetery Hill, and joined the country views of Hillside Road, and after the farm its called Roke Lane. It's all uphill, but only gradual. Some sheep on our right. No lambs yet. 

Roke Lane, Odiham

Roke Lane

Lynne down to her teeshirt on Roke Lane. 

It was 11.15, and we had arrange to meet Jeanette for coffee at 11.30.  Should just about make it!

Our destination of Penncroft Winery in sight now!
5  mins to go!

One more down and up and we're there. 
It was 15 degrees now. 

The cafe is still fairly new, but extending now with more outside tables. And a new kitchen building is being added. As well as some games! 

Toss the beanbag. 

ooooo! think its heading for the hole!

Louise won. 

Didn't play this one. Next time. 

We had a lovely break and chat with Jeanette, before we rode through Crondall and beyond on our return loop via Crookham,  Dogmersfield and Hartley Wintey. Not much in the way of traffic today at all, so a very sociable return loop too.  A brief stop at Dipley Mill, but the garden still all in its winter rest state, so no photos today.

I beat my virtual partner today!  Our average speed 11.2mph, which,with quite a few ups and downs was pretty good going.  Well done team. 

(John went front Silchester to Greenham, saw no sunshine, and felt under dressed in his shorts.)