Breeze Champs meet up. Ewelme to Benson via Little Haseley. 28 miles

Many months ago, our Breeze area co ordinator Rachel, asked the Breeze Champs from Berks, Bucks and Oxon to put 5th October in the diary, for a meet up. She also asked if anyone would like to plan a route and a suitable coffee stop for 20+ ladies?  

I kept quiet for a bit, since I had led one before, but no one else came forward. I then thought of a private garden in Chalgrove that I would like to see, but which only opens for private group visits.  So I volunteered to start a ride from Ewelme, to Chalgrove, if ladies were interested. A few have been to Ewelme before, so I wasn't sure how many would want to do that again, but initially a good number. 

THEN...I got an email 3 days ago from the Chalgrove Garden owner, to let me know that her lovely garden had been badly damaged by flood water a few days ago, (a stream runs through her garden to feed her lake.) and with regret she felt it wasn't up to a visit. So sad. I popped in late spring to meet her and see the garden, which was beautiful. I told Rachael of course, and we decided to go ahead anyway. 

At short notice, I was now left with the problem of where do we go with a large group for coffee/cake? There are not many choices around this area!  So I reversed my original route plan, so that we would reach Benson, Waterfront Cafe about 20 miles into our 28 mile loop. Some have been before, but it is a nice location, and the service is always brilliant even when its busy. 

Route link screenshot of route at end

Before we set off, most of us had a visit to Almshouses in Ewelme 
to use their facilities!

Almshouses courtyard.

Church/School garden in Ewelme.

Chocolate box house opposite the School in Ewelme.
Always love the tree too. 

This will be our first glimpse of the village. 

As we leave the car park in Ewelme.
Fran, Rachel, Nicky, Fiona, Karen, Ann S, Rose, Anne, Sue, Cinzia
(one bike missing, with camera balancing on the saddle)

The final number of riders was only 10, and in a way, not really enough to have made it worth while for the garden owners anyway. But a big enough group  to manage on the roads on a Saturday when traffic is considerably busier than mid week. (I don't normally ride on a Saturday). 

We sort of started out in groups of 6 and 4, but at times rode together, including this off road section through the farm track nr Chalgrove.

He's a bit bigger than us!
Passing through the farmtrack called Caldwell Lane, at Brightwell Baldin, 

After Chalgrove, we split into 2 definite groups, for the busier main road, B480.   After half a mile or so, as we took a right turn, and then the person at the back of my group shouted that she had seen the second group shoot past the turning! lol. We all had the route, and we are all leaders!! 😂

So once they were "found" we set off once more, only to loose the second group again after our next turning, where we pulled over to remove a few bits of clothing, and wait for them to catch up. 

Hotting up now. Fiona derobing as we waited for the second group.

So when they arrived to join us, the told us that they had stopped to watch the farmer harvesting the crops.

Nicky, Karen, Sue, all here now. 
Photo by Rachel.

This was why they got delayed.
photo by Karen. 

Photo by Fran

Photo by Fran

The beautiful open, very flat countryside, now into Little Haseley. I commented that it was nice to have almost no wind today, since this can be hard work here with no wind protection. (hmm. that changed a bit later!)

Our peace was disturbed by loads of motorbikes passing.  We eventually pulled over to get them out of the way. But then also took the chance for a couple more photos. 

The last of the motorcyclist passing us in Little Haseley

Beautiful house in Little Haseley.
Photo by Nicky

Little Haseley. Photo by Rose.

Fran and Rachel.
Photo by Cinzia

Through Great Haseley next then over the A329, to pass Raymond Blanc's Quatre Seasons, and a sharp left uphill on Windmill Hill.  

This little loop was planned simply because the villages are all beautiful

Another shout from behind .................we were missing 3 riders. 😂

Stunning weather, as we waited for news of the missing riders on Windmill Hill.
Rachel peddled back to find out the problem 

Rachel heading back, with the 3 missing riders behind.
Poor Karen's chain had got well and truly stuck on the uphill.
She rode the rest of the ride in her small chainwheel. 

At the next junction, embarrassingly, my Garmin was telling me to do a youturn!  Because I am not quite so familiar this little loop, I had to see the bigger picture before I was convinced to go left, as someone else said their Garmin was telling them right!  We went left and very soon, my route was back on course. Phew. This brought us through Little Milton, and then a short section of our outward route, passing the crop fields again, and to Chalgrove. But now battled into wind. 

I joined the back group for a while with Rose, Sue and Karen, as we are not to fast as the others, as we rode through Roke, Rokemarsh, and into Benson.

Busy, but plenty more seating at Waterfront Cafe Benson.

Nice cakes, but we had none of these. We were pretty much half and half
flapjackes and others the Goats Cheese tart... which was delicious.
Thank you to British Cycling who paid for our drinks/food. 
(photo by Rachel)

Goats Cheese tart was delicious, and the Balsamic vinegar dressing was too. 

10 of us enjoying coffee before Fran had to dash off
with a deadline to get home.

We are of course at river level, and couldn't wait to climb the hill from Crowmarsh Gifford up to Ipsden.  Its a cheeky 10% but thankfully not too long. 

Top of the climb at Ipsden 
Photo by Nicky.

Top of the climb as we approach Ipsden.
photo by Cinzia

photo "directed" by Cinzia. Nice one!

In about  half a mile, Ann S left us. She had asked me to extend the route for her, and she had done 7 extra miles from Christmas Common to the start, all downhill, and now had to get back up there, with an extra 13 miles, via the climb to Checkendon. (she did 43 miles. Well done.)

Ann S heading downhill, before she starts her gradual  uphill.
 As we all turned here, she continues across Ipsden

We now go this way, to cross over two main roads
on our route back to Ewelme. Just 4 miles to go now. 

Hard not stop to admire this idyllic scene of Ewelme before dropping down 
into the village.

Me and Cinzia taking in the view
Photo by Rose

And Rachel and Karen joined us. 

Everyone said they had really enjoyed the route, which is great. Its hard to beat the Chiltern picture postcard villages and open views on a day like today.  Thanks all for your photos and look forward to our next meet up.  

Here is where we went today. Not many knew where they were at times.