Breeze Summer Social to Pye Hill House, Finchampstead. - FBC 18 mile loop

I had spotted a "New" Open garden on the NGS Website this year, and realised it was fellow (occasional) Breeze Rider Rachael's garden.  We have chatted about gardens a few times, and she has been to visit my own garden on a Breeze ride a few years ago. Not a gardener herself, but I knew that her husband was a very keen gardener, and loved garden projects. A few photos on the NGS website suggested a contemporary garden with large swathes of perennials..... just my kind of garden. BUT it also has the advantage of mature trees as a wonderful backtrop.  And plenty of space too which also helps.

With a minimum of 12 to make it worth while for her opening, I managed to get 16 signed up pretty early on, which was the max I could take with just myself and Jill available to lead.  A bit of panic then, when Jill fell off and broke her elbow a few weeks ago!  I asked Windsor Champ Karen if she would be interested to join us, and she agreed to commit to blocking out that day in her work diary. (Thank you Karen!😇).

News then came, that Champ Cathy (who moved to Cornwall), would be in Wokingham for a week and would be happy to assist..... so I added a few extra spaces. (Thank you Cathy! 😇) Very nice to see you this morning. Only a brief chat as is often the case on these kind of occasions, but great to know that your big move has been a good one. 

As always with a large group, a couple had to cancel last minute due to illness, or other reasons.  I set off from Woosehill with 6 riders at 9am, with two more to pick up at Blagrove Lane at 9.10. In the end, thanks to a "no show" at 9.10 from a new rider, I ended up arriving later than I had planned to FBC with 7 riders.  (I had asked everyone to please be there by 9.20, which they did, but no chance for me to chat when I got there, straight into herding the ladies into 3 groups to ride to the garden. Sorry if that was all a bit rushed ladies. )   Daphne took a couple of photos, as I had no time now to do that. Thanks Daphne.

FBC park area
Sue C, Linda, Clare, Karen, Hazel, Marilyn, Jill, Anne
FBC round behind the building where we normally meet. 
Amy, Gill, Amanda T, Elise, Cathy, Cathy W.

FBC park area
Tina, Louise, Kim, Rose, Amanda O

With 3 cancellations this morning, we had 2 groups of 6 and one of 8. With 18 miles to ride to the garden, and aiming for 11.15, we set off about 2 mins apart all doing the same route. I had asked the champs to please try to keep to a min 10mph average 😉

HOT OFF THE PRESS!!!! Rose qualified as a Breeze Champ at the weekend 😍😍😍, so she was put to work straight away as my assistant.  Jill and Karen took the second group, and Cathy and past Champ Elise, took a third group.  We only occasionally met up, when my group pulled over for a drink, but then shot off again, so didn't really see them until the garden. 

With the ongoing road closures at California X Roads, my route took us around the rather bumpy Warren Row, and then UP Wick Hill Lane. It's a few years since I've been up there, and forgotten that is pretty hard work. BUT then we get to whizz down Dell Road.  All very flat then for several miles skirting around Horseshoe Lakes to Eversley.  A short section on the Bramshill Road, then all slight downhill on Ford Lane into Swallowfield. 

A little climb over Farley Hill next, and as we dropped down, and joined Church Road, I spotted a little foal in the field. Too cute not to stop for my one photo enroute today. (I wonder if the other groups noticed it?)

Farley Hill foal. 

Wiggling on lanes and cyclepaths to Nine Mile Ride, we then climbed White Horse Lane, and down Church lane, for the 100 yards or so on Jubilee Avenue to get to the garden entrance.  We arrived at 11.20. 😇😂.

Jeanette, who opted to drive to meet us there (due to time constraints today) was waiting, as were 3 friends of mine from my x-photography club, Susie, Brenda and Julie.

The garden was stunning!   Some photos now of the many areas we were left to explore, after which we enjoyed some delicious cakes with teas/coffees, all efficiently served by a couple of friends of Rachael who had given up their time today. Thank you ladies. Much appreciated. 

Rachel and Peter welcoming the second and third groups
who arrived about 5 mins after us.

Who doesn't love Allium Christophii? Lavender also very happy,
with silver spires of Perovskia still to come into flower. 

Many beautiful sculptures around the garden .

This grass area will look even better late summer. 

A fairy and a foxglove. 

With the cooler weather and lots of rain, the Gunnera and ferns
are looking very lush at the moment. 

Turk's Head Lillies. Happy in this shady spot. 

Another interesting sculpture, with 
insect holes. 

A climb up to the Pine Walk. The Lavender here not quite
flowering yet, but will look amazing in the coming weeks. 

A very happy clump of Phlomis Russelina, on the higher slope. 

The tea area.  Looking through one of my favourite grasses, the non flowering,
Miscanthus Morning Light. 

This large table has a beautiful bank of Blue Geranium on a slope behind. 

I sat with Karen, Cathy and Elise for a few minutes. 

My photography friends who joined us today, and loved the garden too.... and the cakes.
They bought seconds to take home. 😉

Gill with Sue and Hazel

Marilyn on the bridge over the "black" pool 

I nearly missed this bit. 

Another favourite of mine is Hydrangea Annabelle, just about to open 
with beautiful Cream large round flowerheads. 

A young Smoke Bush, which in time will be a big shrub. 

Duck's eye view. 
(Daphne this is my photo.  Great minds think alike.)

I loved the simplicity of the long grass with mown paths through.
The light was beautiful here this morning. 

Cathy catching up with a few more ladies. 
Photo by Karen

photo by Karen of us looking at The Story of the Garden book. 

Almost missed this too. 

Gill enjoying a bit of peace. 

Almost cleaned out the cakes. Rachael said she always forgets to photograph them...
I did too! But the taste test is what counts. They were delicious. 

Time to get a team photo... wish me luck!  I gave my camera to photographer Julie who took these shots.  My camera is not the easiest to use if you are not familiar with it, but she did a good job. 

Any minute now... where are the 4 missing ladies?

Mission accomplished

And with our excellent hosts, Peter and Rachael, and their assistants. 

I will send the blog to Rachael of course, so here is an ideal place to say once again a big "Thankyou" for opening your fabulous garden, not just for us today, but for the NGS Charity.  I opened mine many times in the past, and know what hard work it can be, but also very rewarding to share your garden with people who really appreciate it. Well done.