Breeze FBC to Swallowfield Hall via Grazeley - 25 miles

I decided to offer a shorter 25 mile ride today, but to achieve that I had to start the ride officially from FBC. (so myself and others who met and rode from Woosehill did 32 miles anyway).  It was also pretty flat, only 938 feet overall. So it should not be not too tiring. 

It's been freezing since... forever it seems, and the forecast today at last was to be a bit warmer, and with sunshine which makes a massive difference. 

I had a bad start to the day.

  1. I noticed last night that my front tyre was a bit soft, but then forget to deal with it. This morning at 8.40, I asked hubby if he could put some air in whilst I finished getting ready. (I  needed to be at the Woosehill meeting point at 9am).  He realised the valve was not tightening, so changed the tube.  What a star, and all done by 8.47.πŸ˜‡
  2. I set off and within a few yards realised I wasn't wearing my helmet. The electric garage door had barely closed and I  had to wait for it to open again.  
  3. I set off again, and realised I hadnt loaded the course! I had shared it with everyone else, but forget to send it myself. Soon sorted that, and arrived at the meeting point at 8.59. Feeling slightly stressedπŸ˜‚
Karen, Amanda T, Clare and me peddled to FBC to meet up with Rose, Kim, Louise and Julie H from Maidenhead, whom I've not seen for a while. 

Route link screen shot at end

I asked Rose to lead us to start with, as we left on the Greenway to Arborfield.  A little wobble off of the route to try to find the little path to lead to Observer Way, but we found it.  Normally at the bridge on Observer Way, we cross the road to head for Swallowfield. But not today.  We went straight over and then just to get away from Observer Way traffic, we rode on Greensward Lane.  The huge pile of free Horse Manure was well stocked, but with load of fresh straw on top.

We split then into 2 groups to ride the half mile or so on the A327, turning into Church Lane, Shinfield. Just passed the Church we joined the cyclepaths through to Ryeish Green, and more paths to cross the A33 at Three Mile Cross. That bit can be a bit complicated, so I had led the group through that part, handing back to Rose to lead after that.

A quick shout of LEFT, as the front riders almost missed the left turn into the quiet Kybes Lane. It wiggles around and at the end, Rose and  the front riders continued ahead, as some of us stopped for Julie to tie her shoelace, and a good chance for a nose blow.  AND a photo. Not the most photogenic of days since the promised sunshine had now gone. πŸ˜”

Julie sorting her shoe at Kybes Lane, as we now join Grazeley Green Road.
Under a railbridge round the next corner, then left into Goring Lane.

We caught up with the others on Goodboys Lane, then with a car patiently waiting, some of us pulled over to allow it to pass.  We didn't quite catch up with the "lead" group, as we saw them turn right into the entrance to Wokefield Park.  I tried to call them back since that was NOT our route today. It often might be.... but not today!

Waiting and hoping that the lead group would realise they
had gone the wrong way. (They never did despite Garmin proclamations!)

I called two riders and thankfully Rose answered and then they all came back. Julie had not been through Wokefield Park before was the excuse. πŸ˜‚  I suggested that "I will lead the next section", which was a right turn onto The Street, leading to Mortimer. I have not ridden this section before, a missing link, so I wanted to use it today as an alternative. 

The right turn at Wokefield Park onto The Street leading to Mortimer. 

 As I pulled away, a call from Louise that my back tyred looked flat. πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

It was well down, so I opted to just change the tube rather than mess around putting some air in. At least we were at a quiet section of grass where we I could sort it without traffic. I suggested the others should go for a ride through Wokefield Park to keep warm, which some did. Kim and couple of others stayed to assist. Amanda had the very important job of holding the dust cover. πŸ˜‡πŸ˜…. Great job Amanda. And Rose put some air in the new tube, ready for when needed. 

photo by Julie. 
Cant remember what amused us.

Sorted, with as much air in the tyre as Kim and I could get in.  As I rode off, it was very bouncy! But it would be  good enough to get me home, I hoped. 

The road into Mortimer was fine, all very flat, then of course the climb over the railway bridge to head for Beech Hill. I was knackered after that. So much harder with a soft tyre. 

After our climb over the A33, we went left today int Yew Tree Lane. I was expecting the "lead" group to go straight on as we ALWAYS do, so was pleasantly surprised when they turned left. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

Soon we ignored another turn we ALWAYS do, off of Lambs Lane, which would be the natural way to Risley, but we were heading to Swallowfield, so we rode on a short section of Basingstoke Road, passing the Mill House, then into Swallowfield Street where the Village Hall is on the left. 

We struggled to find the way in!  It was on the back of the building, and it was pretty busy.  But we got a lovely big table set up for 8. Perfect. 

Bargain. I knew it was cash only, so had forewarned everyone. 

Very nice homemade lemon sponge, chocolate cake or Flapjacks, and if you wanted an extra piece £1 suggested as a donation. (not that any of us were that greedy). No fancy coffees on offer of course, but those that drink coffee said it was fine.

Heading for home as we leave the Swallowfield Village Hall
me, Louise, Kim, Rose,Clare, Julie, Amanda T, Karen. 

It was a bit weird now, heading up Part Lane to head home.  But we were heading for Ford Lane to the Bramshill Road, rather than over Farely Hill. 

We hardly saw any snowdrops today. These on Part Lane, Swallowfield. 

All slighly up hill on Ford Lane to keep us warm. A ROAD CLOSED SIGN in place. What a mess in one place near the ford. The road had pretty much collapsed. 

And finally, over Eversley Ford and back to California Park.

Brightening up a bit as we end the ride. 

All safely back to FBC, where we left those who had started from there
and rode back to Woosehill. 

Sorry about the puncture delay, but it wasn't too long.  I told hubby when he got back home. And he asked if I had put the tyre back on the right  way? (for the rotation). "Oh yes" I boasted. I took care to check that it went back on the same way that it came off. Except that he now told me I had put it on the wrong way last time..... so it's still wrong! πŸ˜‚  Will fix it sometime soon. Just not today.  

Thanks all for your good company. I'm not free next Wednesday, but Rose hopes to lead a ride.   I suggested a mystery tour!