Bradfield to Boxford 34 miles

A decidedly chilly start at just 7.5degrees this morning as we drove to start our ride from Bradfield. With two layers, I then added my rain jacket as we set off, thinking it would soon come off, but it never did. 

Route link

The lanes were mostly dry, with just a few muddy sections probably from field run off, on our way to Bucklebury.

Bucklebury Equestrian Centre. A gloomy morning.

I had hoped to capture the horse within this natural berry frame,but it had other ideas. 

John waiting, at the equestrian centre.

Thankfully no issues with flooding as we rounded the bend at the ford, joining Brocks Lane, and soon passed the pig, which today was right next to the fence. We took first left. This  turn always throws me,  as I expect to come out beyond Marlston School, but there it was on or left, as we climbed the hill to pass it. 😂  (ebikes today, so might as well use the power).

Through the undulating Hamlet of Wellhouse, and then a climb to Hermitage, where today's route stayed on the B4009 before a right turn into Curridge Road. It's a nice quiet road, which winds it way for at least a couple of miles, leading eventually under the A34 and also over the A339. Then we do a dogleg to climb on Arlington Lane up to Snelsmore Common.

Curridge Road as we leave Hermitage. 

At the top of the not insignificant climb on Arlington Lane
towards Snelsmore Common.

I got a little ahead of John as we rode on the woodland lane through Snelsmore, where 2 beautiful deer dash infront of me.... in different directions. They bounded off in a matter of seconds, but we did both see one of them again a minute later as I stopped for the normal photo of "the view over Winterbourne".

Winterbourne View

And the little scene opposite.

There was a diversion for traffic in place today, and we did meet more than the usual number of cars as we dropped into Winterbourne. Not busy by any means, but more than normal. 

I was a bit surprised by the next direction on the route (which John planned) as we took left turn in Winterbourne. (we normally continue through the village, in one direction or another.  So I did NOT recognise this road, until much later, when we approached Boxford. I've come the opposite direction on this road a few times, but I find no evidence of coming this way before. (my blog never lies!)

It's quite a steep climb and undulates, eventually passing this entrance which I photographed as a reference.

A mountain biker appeared and we had a quick chat with him. The gate says private, but there is a track just to the left, which is where he should have been riding. 

 Then we dropped steeply into Boxford to the junction I was expecting to appear at, and where today these thatch cottages were ahead of me..... usually behind me, and dont  stop to photograph them as face the steep ascent up Winterbourne Road!  Our route would go right here, but first a detour to the left to "The Boxford",  for our coffee stop. 

Jammy Dodger at The Boxford.

Back through Boxford to ride along the "valley road" which changes name to Hangman's Stone Lane, once under the M4,  and where lots of shooting going on. We have heard this here before. (Sometimes we turn first right off of this road up to Leckhampstead, but today we took second right to Leckhampstead Thicket.) Then a loop to Leckhampstead. 

A right turn into Goose Lane, and I recognised the buildings ahead. The road then takes a 90 degree left bend, changes to Manor Road, and there is the Manor. (no road signs of course!)

Goose Lane, Leckhampstead, which turns sharp left beyond this barn.

There are a lorra lorra farm buildings here!

Not forgetting the Manor House, on Manor Road. 

Soon we arrived in Peasemore and I was quite chuffed to see the church on our right,
because its not always on our right 😂

Now opposite the church we follow the sign to East Ilsley, although we are only
heading as far as Stanmore.

Viburnum in flower opposite Peasemore Church

Hailey Lane approaching Stanmore.

Hailey Lane approaching Stanmore.

Continuing now to Beedon (no photos today but a few farm buildings, mostly falling down,  and the church which is behind our route, that I have photographed in the past), we join the Oxford Road, then off again just before Worlds End, and go under the A34. Our next turn to Bothampstead, and where the trees that  are a landmark. (even though I could never remember where they are.)

John stopping to photograph his wonky tree, another landmark nr Bothampstead.


And now the long downhill into Hampstead Norreys, which I knew! Hurray!!!

A familiar route to climb to Yattendon, but then a road I have not come down before, signposted to Stanford Dingley, and soon named Burnt Hill Road. The road surface not great, but a change and different views from Scratchface Lane, which runs almost parallel. 

Views on Burnt Hill Road, which drops in to Stanford Dingley. 

Just short of Stanford Dingley, we joined the road we came out on, and back to the start.

I was cold when I got back to the van! First proper cool day, with really gusty wind in the last few miles of our ride.