WLCG Hambleden via Knowl Hill circuit - 35 miles

It's almost the last day of August. A stunning day, mid 20's, just a tiny bit cool to start with, but my light jacket was off by the time I reached Hurst. We met Gill at Pound Lane. Martina is in scorching Dubai and Andrea out for the day with Ian. 

With lots of dry weather for some time now, I offered a route which was a mix of on and off road today.  Just enough that I could enjoy it, and the chance to vary the road route, and happy to be flexible to dump some of the off road when we'd had enough. 😂

Route Link

From Hungerford Lane, we turned left into Mire Lane, Jeanette sure that she had never ridden here before. (It passes The Little Pony club).  The lane is  all very dry atm, which also means rather bumpy with baked hard horse's hooves tracks. 

Emerging at the end of Mire Lane, and back on tarmac
as we turned right to join B3024 Tywford Road.

(We could of course have turned left then right instead and through Nut Lane, then more off road out the back of WSL church, but personally I find that lane a bit toooo long!). 

All the way to White Waltham, and into Butchers Lane/Bottle Lane, and as we crossed the railbridge, a tractor at work. 

Bottle Lane

We turned left into the Bridal circuit where we often do, to connect to Knowl Hill Common. Normally we keep right to cross the A4 and into Warren Row Road, (passing Velolife), but today we kept left where it splits, and passed the entrance to Micklems Farm (craft workshop place), then straight over the A4 into Star Lane. 

Sadly this is where Jeanette decided her body was just not performing today and she opted to head for home. Martin was in the area, so managed to liase with her at Ruscombe.  She let us know she was back safely.

Star Lane entrance at the old 7 Stars Pub

Star Lane, and we branched off to the right, next to the Star Works entrance. 

Because I stopped for the last photo, I lost them!
I came to this gate with no one in sight.

I backtracked a little (Gill said later that she has missed this turn too in the past), and I was pleased to see tarmac continuing  for a reasonable distance, as the profile ramped up.  I saw no sign of the others for quite a distance, but since I had the route, not a problem. I have not done this track for probably 8 years or more, and I remembered why!!!! 😂😂😂

The Knowl Hill spike, quite clear on today's profile. 

Where is everybody? 

Finally caught up with them as they waited at the top. It was hard work partly because of the gradient, but mostly because of the rough terrain.  Plenty of dogwalkers up there.  At the top, we enjoyed the downhill, on a good tarmac surface to emerge at Holly Cross.

Downhill soon on Aston Lane to cross the Thames. 

A tiny bit of wire keeps of apart!

heading to cross Hambleden Weir

A lot of water today flowing fast over the weir

Very bright and hazy as we walked across. 

Reflections were good today.

We stopped off at the loos at the car park, and I  had never
noticed this rusty old barn before, just behind the car park. 

Crystal clear this direction, as we head to Hambleden Village. 

Timely arrival of a kite as I waiting at the car park.

The village store back to "normal" after the recent filming crew,
but the picket fence no longer there. Space for more tables. 

These are a new addition.  The staff said they would prefer 
fresh flowers, but these dried flowers will last longer. 

Lady Hambleden's Roses. 

Our return journey crossed back over the weir (otherwise a much longer ride), and we peddled along the riverside as far as Remenham Church. 

Today's remaining 4 riders
Lynne, Gill, me and Louise.

 The Oro team.

My bike fell over on my Monday ride, and the gears were all over the place today, since the derailleur must have been damaged. (It's now at the bike shop for a bit of work whilst I am on hols next week. More expense! 😌)

Henley was pretty busy today, so we were glad to get into the quiet area of Harpsden, to face our climb on Woodlands Avenue.  Gill and Louise were ahead, with Lynne behind me.  I was using my recently added "Gear sensor" page on Garmin,  to let me know when I was down to my 2nd to last, and I clicked to my last one. 

For whatever reason, I then clicked again, and my chain came off! Which of course it shouldnt have done.... but for the damaged derailleur . Lynne asked it I was ok, as she passed and I said I would be.  But, I could not get it back on, and decided to push to the top and beyond to a flat bit of road. 

Pushing up Woodlands Avenue with my chain off. 

I turned my bike upside down when I got a flat area, and managed to get it back on.  After a few hundred yards, I spotted Gill heading back to find me. 

Our next turning was into the Private Road though Harpsden Woods. I have not been at all this year, since in spring it was so wet for months. We emerged near the Bottle and Glass and continued on Emmer Green Road, then a left into Sandpit Lane, for our final bit of off road today. Gill and I did this once before. It's like a roller coaster! 

Emerging from Sandpit Lane, which is between 
the Brewery and the Church , on Church Lane, Dunsden. 

My route was to drop down the bridleway to Playhatch, but we all agreed we had had enough of bumps, so stuck to our normal route down  Dunsden Hill.

Back through Charvil and Beggars Hill Road, to Sandford Lane, where we left Gill.

Both Gill and I not around next week, but hope that the rest of you manage out. See you next time.