BH Monday. Oakley to Whitchurch to Bere Mill NGS - 30 miles

Bank Holiday Monday but Daphne and Linda both free today, as was Dave, so I suggested a visit to the beautiful Bere Mill which was open for NGS today. (John and I have driven there twice before, but never ridden there).  John also added a new loop for me today, to take in Micheldever village, since he had done a recce ride there whilst I was in the Cotswold in July.  

Unfortunately, a late decision  by Dave to not ride with us today, as he didn't feel up to it. Shame. Another time.  I mentioned to Jeanette yesterday that we had a spare seat in our van if she fancied joining us? (Martin is away supporting a young boy cycling to Paris over 3 days). She said yes. 

We met Daphne and Linda at the car park at Oakley in Station Road.  We ALWAYS set off from this point into Malshanger Lane.... but today we took off in the opposite direction! I'm lost already! 😅

Route link (screen shot at end)

About a mile into our ride, Daphne realised she was only wearing one glove. How is that possible?  John volunteered to go back and look on the ground around her car. We ladies carried on, stopping for a few photos giving him time to catch up.

Between Oakely and North Waltham

Between Oakely and North Waltham

A drop down ahead.😊Between Oakely and North Waltham

Between Oakely and North Waltham

Between Oakely and North Waltham

Between Oakely and North Waltham

Still wasting time giving John time to catchup with "the glove"!

At the junction at Steventon Road, John finally appeared.....
but no glove.

Black Sheeps on Waltham Lane

Waltham Lane next to the black sheeps. The others continued with 
a rise ahead, so now I need to catch them up. 

A left turn on an unnamed lane, and at the next junction (Overton Way), we couldn't believe it. We found ourselves joining a lane blocked with traffic ...... mostly caravans and campers!!!!

Overton Lane and going nowhere!

Daphne asked the car behind us what was going on?
CARFEST. Some enormous weekend festival!!!

The festival is held at Laverstoke Park Farm, 
about a mile at most where we joined at the other red arrow.

We crawled for several minutes, at times trying to walk past the vehicles, not always easy since some were so wide and filled the lane. We eventually turned right at the and left most of them behind as we rode under the A303 passing through Micheldever Station. 

Between Micheldever Station, and Micheldever

Arriving in Micheldever. And our first thatch. 

Daphne and I stopped at the Dever River, where a gentleman
was letting us huge Newfoundland dog have a swim.

Chatting to the 71 year old local who had lived
in the same house since he was born. He thought Daphne
was lovely to stop and take the time to chat. And btw was she married?😂

ok, enough chatting now Daphne! he's got no money.😂

And a few more photos of Micheldever Village. Very charming. However we noticed 4 houses for sale.... do they know something?

We caught up with the others who were patiently waiting
opposite this that with its fox and hare sculptures. 

Same house, different view. 

We took a right turn in the village just past Heather Cottage, and into Sloe Lane. (not SLOW Lane). Lovely views along this lane. 

Sloe Lane, between Micheldever and Stoke Charity

Sloe Lane, between Micheldever and Stoke Charity

I asked John to use my camera to take this shot of us ladies. 
Still on Sloe Lane. It is now SLOW LANE.😅

He then went ahead with my camera (set on sports mode... to focus on the fast pace of us riding down the hill.😉😅)  Just at this  point, an ice cream van came up the hill and a car came down the hill, so a slight delay as we all took to the side of the road. 

(huge difference in colours for these 2 photos taken in sports mode)

We carried on, whilst John got back on his bike,  to soon join us at the next village of Stoke Charity, where we turned right at this sign, heading to Hunton. 

John back with us, and now we ride beyond this thatch on Hunton Lane
to cross the River Dever once more. 

couple of swans in Stoke Charity Pond, and a pretty church just beyond. 

Crossing the River Dever at Stoke Charity, 
which probably means an uphill coming soon. 

About half a mile further, on Hunton Down Lane, John came to a halt with "Oh no!".  I assumed a puncture.  He realised he had left his sunglasses on the ground, where he took the photo of us coming downhill. 😣😣😣 (can't find the emojo  for "stupid boy").

So......... once more, we ladies carried on slooooowly giving him time to go back and catch us up again. 

Box Cottage, Hunton.... opposite this space next to the River Deben

Not sure if the garden was private, so didint walk to the river
but we could see trout even from this distance. It so clear.

A right turn into Hunton Down Lane and this strange scene.
The white cow with a tiny calf next to it. 

Enormous udders!

She heaved herself upright. Recon she had just given birth. 

And another newborn. So new that it's mother's
afterbirth was still hanging out. 

A bit of  a gradual climb beyond the farm, and where
another calf was tucked in behind a gate.

And he's back once more.... with his sunglasses on. 

Now we joined Stockbridge Road, in two groups for about half a mile, then a left to go under the A303 once more, and soon we rode with a long wall on our right. John reminded us that Daphne and I have been here before.  All would become clear. 

Yep, I remember it well. (I've been twice already now).
It's a Shooting club. 

"Nihil Impossile." Nothing is impossible
(except for a cyclist always loosing his sunglasses.😂

oops. Wrong way round. 

Continuing further past the wall, we soon climb a hill on Mitcheldever Road, that I definitely recognise, as I've climbed it many times in both directions. (If we had continued straight we would have come out at Freefolk)

Reaching the top of Micheldever Road. 

What goes up must come down, and a long downhill now in to Whitchurch, where we popped to the The Silk Mill, just to show Linda and Jeanette who  have never been here.   It's normally NOT open Mondays, but it was today. But since our teastop is at the Bere Mill, we don't stop here today. 

Loads of large trout in the Test River here too. 

We skirt around a couple of back streets in Whitchurch, Test Road, and  join the B3400 London Road, which is an uphill, but gradual. Then our route, goes steeply downhill (through a modern housing developement........... only to face a steep uphill, to rejoin the B3400!  Thanks John. 😂

A matter of a 100yards or so, and we pull off the main road, into the road  which leads to Bere Mill House. 
Bere Mill House. 

aha! The lesser spotted Kimbers!
They drove here instead. 

Taken by John.

But only after THIS happened. 

As he stood up, his bum bag caught the back of his chair, which fell over
and he hit the ground.
(he thought he might hit the drink and fall in the river)😂😂😂

Taken by a fellow garden visitor, who actually go us in focus. Amazing. 

photo by Daphne.

oh I say!
photo by Daphne.... who got quite close!

Bridges everywhere. 

And from a different angle. 

A bridge too far? Jeanette hanging on to her helmet.
Will that help if she falls in?

unusual ducks/geese came out to see us.

They wouldn't stand still. 

Best I could do. They are very pretty. 

A mystery in wood. 

Daphne did her own walkabout as normal,
but was easy to spot in her orange jacket. 

And finally, the gravel garden as we reached the end of our tour. 

Wire sheeps. 

Saying goodbye to Dave and Shiela who will drive home.
We have about 10 miles to ride back to Oakley. 

Without a long detour, we now joined the B3400 once more in 2 groups, passing the very unusual thatch terrace of houses at Freefolk, past the Bombay Saphire Gin processing, and then a left turn and over  a small bridge over the River Test int Overton. 

We immediately left Overton again, by doing 2 left turns and now began a climb to cross over the railway line, and continue to the T junction at Ashe Warren (the poppy fields junction... as was).

What used to be the poppy field. Such a shame the farmer has stopped growing them.

Ashe Lane junction,  where we do a dog leg. 

The lane changes name to Harrow Way, as we drop down hill passing the farm "with the horses" which I have photographed normally coming UP this way. 

Harrow Way horses / donkeys/ mules?

Almost back, as we climb a little on Marshanger Lane, through the tree tunnel, before it levels out and we are back to the start..... once we cross the road into Station Road. 

The pretty tree tunnel of Marshalger Lane

A lovely day out, with good weather, glorious countryside, nice cake and garden visit, and of course the company of good friends. I won't mention the fact that half of our tea ended up in our saucers (you know who you are 😂😂😂)

I won't see Daphne now for a month as we both go on  holidays (hers a  lot longer than mine). 

I'm riding to Dummer on Wednesday from Mattingley with Breeze, which is not far from North Waltham!