6 of us free today, after a pathetic attendance of just 1 last week. 4 of us back from holidays (Mallorca, South Korea, Cyprus and Lanzarote) but Jeanette still away in Scotland now with just 4 cycling days left to reach John o' Groats. 😇
I suggested we head to Hambleden for a cuppa, with the option of extending the route depending on how we felt once we reached Hambleden.
Route link
I sat in the middle, or at the back most of today, allowing others to take the lead, with no route planned. I did laugh when Martina & Andrea hesitated at the Reading Road, not knowing whether to go right or left.😅. We were off.... to the right, to Emmbrook. Phew. Shurlock Row, and to Bottle Lane White Waltham, where I stopped for this first photo.
Bottle Lane, with frothy cowparsley, and sunlight hitting the crop fields. The hedge layers was done last year. |
Waiting for the photographer on Bottle Lane. The blue and pink team today. |
We cut through the Knowl Hill track to Knowl Hill Common, to appear near Micklems Farm. We were a bit surprised to see 2 ladies cutting some Oxide Daisies, presumably for flower arranging workshops.... a bit naughty!
Across the A4, and loads of buttercups. there seem to be more than ever this year. |
Stopping to regroup in Warren Row, just before Velolife Cafe. |
All easy going now and we dropped down Aston Lane to the Flower Pot and headed further downhill to cross the weir.
The directly opposite, with Gill in the lead... a bit more off road to reappear at Castle End Road pond.
The field alongside New Road Ruscombe. |
As we stopped for traffic at Ruscombe church, I couldn't change gear. My battery for my electronic gears had died. 😒 I could have managed home, but Gill, who had been caught out more than once with this problem, now carries a spare. So she kindly let me have it to get home. (incidentally, it wasn't fully charged Gill, so need to remember to top up the "spare" as well!)
Back via Tape Lane Hurst |
If I had suggested we ride 42 miles today, I wonder how enthusiastic you would have been? Such a beautiful day, seemed a shame to come straight back, and good practice on some gentle hills for those who don't do hills so often. And one that wasn't so gentle, but we all did it. Well done team.