Wokingham to Heathlands - 15.5 miles

Breeze ride today led by Carole, with Susie, Chris, Yvonne, Sally, Jackie, Marie, and Lotti.

The Route (takes a few seconds to load)

Meeting point FBC, then we soon headed off road via Heath Ride. Squeezed through just in time before the road was closed for tarmacking.

Heath Ride

After cutting across Crowthorne via Ravenswood Avenue, we disappeared into the Gorrick plantation. Not been here since before the winter, as too muddy, but lovely today.
Over the ramp as we enter Gorrick plantation

Other than this one puddle, all dry.

A kind dogwater took a team photo to  incude all of us at about the 9  mile
mark as we approach Ludgrove school
 We stopped for a  history lesson at the Henry Lucas Hospital, founded in 1663

Gorgeous blossoms at the old Henry Lucas building

It was hotting up, and the cattle were searching out shade

Crossing the Ford at Redlake Lane, Heathlands

Coffee stop at Heathands Craft Centre
 A lovely ride, mostly off road today, and the first day in short sleeves this year. Long may it continue!