Finchampstead to Hurst - 20miles

Our Breeze cycling "champion" Carole is on holiday for a couple of weeks, so 3 of us decided to met up and do a ride which Carole had led 2 of us on before. "The Hurst Lanes".

First though, I cycled south the 3 miles from Wokingham to Finchampsted to meet up with Susie and Chris who rode up a similar distance from Crowthorne.  I guided them back to Wokingham, across Woosehill, to Simon's Lane where we joined the cycle path on the Reading Road. We cut across Winnersh towards towards Dinton Pastures turning right just before the entrance into Little Hill Road, Hurst.

Turning left in to Dunt Lane, I had planned to take a right turn using a road which links to Lines Road. We did not find the Lane, so doubled back thinking we had missed it, but never did find it! (Its on the map!!).   So instead we turned left into Dunt Avenue (with the white horse in the field), and left again into Lines Road.  I had planned to turn right here, following Lines Road and crossing the A321 into  Broadcommon Lane, which would eventually bring us out at the duck pond in Hurst.

Susie who had done this ride a few times now, thought left instead, which brought us out on to B3030. Not a problem. We climbed Church Hill, to The Castle Inn.

Then downhill on School Road  passing the duck pond

We decided to head to The Green Man in search of a cuppa, since by now we had clocked up 13 miles. It doesn't open till 12 so no luck there. There are a distinct lack of tea shops around Hurst, so we turned back and climbed UP School Road heading for the tea shop at Dinton, but thought worth trying The Castle Inn, whose door was open.  A very nice barman said he was happy to serve us tea at coffee at 11.30 even although they also do not officially open until 12.

Sorry Chris, terrible photo!

After warming up, we headed to Dinton Pastures

I then accompanied Susie and Chris back through Wokingham to the Barkham Road/Blagrove Lane, where I left them.  20miles round trip, and a nice if cool day.