WLCG to Rotherfield Peppard via Lower Shiplake - 32 miles

Tomorrow is March 1st, and the Meteorological first day of spring. Woopee.  But it was below freezing overnight, so a suggested 10.30 start went down well. That would mean a late tea stop somewhere, so I suggested lunch instead. Gill put forward a few ideas, but we settled on the Heron the Ford at Sandford, so that it was not far home after lunch. 

Louise thought she couldn't join us initially due to an afternoon commitment, but she did, but just came straight home for her lunch. Jeanette wasn't able to join us today for lunch since she was setting off for a couple of nights in Dorset with the camper  van. 

A beautiful bright morning, but just 4 degrees to start, although hubby who headed south, was stuck in fog during much of his cold ride. 

Route link screen shot at end.

We picked up Gill on Sandford Lane and headed to Sonning. I had seen an article on the BBC  news about some "Banana Art" in Sonning, so looked out for it on our way through. Here is the news article.

Sonning Banana Art supposedly £24.8 million worth of art!

One of the "Art" pieces in Sonning.
Nice light catching it. That was its only redeeming feature!

Since I'd stopped to photograph the art, I got caught at a  red light at the bridge, and the others had got through, so I walked over the bridge. 

Thames at Sonning. Its running very high after heavy rain 2 days ago. 

By the time we climbed to Dunsden we were all stripping off! And then a fast downhill to Shiplake and further downhill to Lower Shiplake. 

Memorial Avenue Shiplake. 

Memorial Avenue Shiplake. 
What a gorgeous day. 

Fabulous cloud.

From Lower Shiplake, a dogleg over the main Henley Road, into Woodlands Road. Louise questioned if it was uphill, since it didn't look like it.... but yes it  is!  Most definitely. 

Beautiful winter trees on our left along Woodlands Road.

Woodlands Road, with it gradual ascent looks flat. 

I caught up with them here. The light was beautiful in the woods
but in a few weeks this scene will be transformed with fresh Beech leaves.
Can't  wait. Seen enough brown now. 

Then came the hairpin steeper downhill section on Woodlands Road into Harpsden, down to the golf club, and at the bottom we turned left into the valley road. After another half mile, a right turn where the old barn had been falling down for years. It's now gone, and a new house going up. All looks very boring, but  may look better once it's finished.

A steep climb now on Gillots Lane, passing Gillots School. Martina caught up, feeling a bit weary now. Gillots Hill is tough.  I promised a couple of flat miles next through to Rotherfield Greys, but its not quiet flat in places.😉

At a junction on a bend, I have always turned right here, to pass NT Greys Court. So, the plan today was to fill in a missing link on the map, to get us to Rotherfield Peppard, and then to Sonning Common. Hubby had done a section of this yesterday and told me it was fine. Except that I didn't plot our route the same, and had a sinking feeling as I spotted a warning  sign of a 16% descent. That sounds like fun, but then we have to get back up!  This is called Peppard Hill (B481)

We spotted an A frame along the roadside advertising a cafe. (google suggests its permanently closed), but at that point, a right turn would have been a better option, to get off the main road, and where John went yesterday. This little lane emerges at  The Unicorn Pub opposite Wyfold Lane.  A link from Lynne that "Henley Classic Cars and Coffee" is open once a month on a Saturday. Not likely to use it. 

The map showing where it would have been better to take a right fork,
to Peppard Common.

Having whizzed down the 16% hill, I had planned a right turn, but in reality it was a horrible turning, since it went up even steeper, and you had to first slow right down in case of on coming traffic. I shouted to Lynne and Louise to ignore it, and carry on up the hill straight ahead.  Part way up our steep ascent an amazing view to our left, and I decided it would be nice to capture it. 

View from Peppard Hill.
Never seen this view before....and probably wont again!😂

I heard Gill, behind us, shouting to Martina to take the right turn, and I was yelling back to NOT take the right turn, and hoping they either heard or spotted me at the roadside where I stopped for the photo. 

Martina and Gill a bit behind us, and now
walking up Peppard Hill. 
" Too many hills Anne", said Martina.

Once at the top, it was an easy few miles now as we passed through Sonning Common enroute to Bird in Hand Lane, and back via Dunsden to Sonning. It was amazing how cool it felt on the long downhills, even though the sun was out, and it was now 10 degrees. 

A few idiot drivers today, the worst of which completely ignored the fact I was turning right at the mini roundabout in Charvil, and continued straight toward me. That was the third idiot driver since Sonning. 😡

Landsend Ford next to the pub. 

The sign almost underwater! The flood sign at almost 6feet. 

Heron on the Ford. 

I had guesstimated our lunch stop would be around 1.30, and we parked up at 1.28pm.  Louise left us here to peddle home. 

Chicken Wrap for Gill

Panini for Martina and Lynne and I had BBQ Chicken Nachos. 
All very nice.  

Me, Gill, Lynne Martina.
Suddenly feeling hungry!

We had almost a half hour wait for our food, then when we were ready to leave.......... Lynne's back tyre was completely flat.  She has never changed a tube before, and rather than start to take the wheel off, she decided to use a canister that she carries on her bike, but also never used  before. The tyre pressure immediately blew up, but then all the "foam" started escaping from a hole and was everywhere! 😂 

Gill spinning the wheel for 2 mins while Lynne held it off the ground. 

This was only a small amount of what had escaped. It was all over the place!

After all that, the tyre was still flat, so Lynne decided to run/walk home, rather than phone for a lift.  It would be 5 miles.  We  got the news that she got home at 4pm, and Bob immediately investigated the problem. Which may have been a spoke sticking into the tyre? 

What a shame to end a lovely day out with a 5 mile walk home. Martina definitely feeling knackered today, and yet according to the Garmin, we only climbed 1100 feet. Weird. 

Our Map below, and then some BONUS photos today, from those who  missed out on lunch.😉

Jeanette's view tonight  from her Campervan. 

Louise's finished Mosaic piece
after grouting this afternoon. Very nice.