WLCG Riseley return via Grazeley - 26 miles

Friday ride and just for the record, blog number 1,001. A very different day to blog number 1,000 on Wednesday, which had glorious blue skies and sunshine. The forecast today was 3 degrees, had sleet due late morning, as well as gusty N/E winds, so we met at 9.15 at Winnersh and just got on with it, hoping we would  make it back before the rain came. 

Gill overshot the arranged meeting point, and I had to dash off after her to call her back. 3 of us  already there, as we watched her shoot past Woodward Close. Turned out was heading for Woodlands Avenue. 😂

Route link

Our route used the cyclepaths alongside Hatch Farm Way to connect to Mill Lane, Lower Early, where we continued on paths to the M4 pedestrian bridge to Shinfield.  My Orro bike is due for return this afternoon having had some maintenance on brakes and gears (expensive!), so I was on my ebike today. Quite handy on the cheeky little rise over the motorway. 

Stormy looking skies as we crossed the M4 pedestrian bridge. 

Louise spotted this plane through the clouds
I wonder if it's my friend Daphne on her way to India to enjoy 30degrees?😎

When we reached Shinfield, we joined the long downhill of Brookers Hill. Not done that for ages, and only one car past us all the way down. We turned off left into Hyde End Lane and we would come back to this junction much later on our return loop.  For now straight on along Hyde End Lane, then on to the quiet back lanes of Ryeish Green to Spencers Wood.

From here, we normally turn right onto Beech Hill Road, but just to shake up the route, we stayed on the Basingstoke Road (B3349), passing The Mill House hotel and after about a mile, into "Swallowfield Street, Swallowfield".  This is a bit confusing, since the next street we turned into is "The Street, Swallowfield".  We passed Swallowfield Village Hall, and Lynne reminded me that they serve teas there on a Wednesday morning. (from 10.30)   Might take a Breeze ride there to try it out sometime. 

We rode the entire length of Trowes Lane next, and I was expecting it be very messy, but it wasn't too bad. Then up Part Lane to the tea stop.

Valentine theme at Riseley village hall

photo by Gill
Me, Louise and Lynne out with Gill today. 

I've been trying to not have cake on every bike ride,
but this one venue where its hard not to. Debbie bakes all the cakes.
This is coconut and Lime.

Gill had a warm sort of Cinnamon bun, but 
not with Cinnamon. Pecan and other bits in there.
She had planned to take half home, but accidentally ate the  lot. 

A couple of other tables had customers whilst we were there, and a few with reserved signs for this afternoon.

We were just about ready to leave, when Louise announced, "oh, look who's here", as she spotted Jeanette parking up to join us. Poor Jeanette is not able to cycle atm, so it was very nice to see her join us for tea. We chatted for another half an hour.

photo taken my Jeanette as we are ready to set off on our
route to head home. 

We had all got a bit chilled by now, since the tea stop unfortunately wasn't very warm today.   It felt strange climbing away from Riseley, as normally we would start to head back in Swallowfield direction. 

Our route today went under the tunnel of Bull Lane, and I had planned rather than avoid whizzing down the main road (Welsh Drive), which is always cold, we would just go down Bull Lane. At the first corner..... a flood..... but not deep. The rest of the ride down  Bull Lane was a right mess, with water flowing down both sides! 

A very messy, muddy and wet Bull Lane.

Gill in her orange jacket again today. I'm getting used to it now. 

Skirting Stratfield Saye, we veered off right to climb up to Beech Hill. I used my power button again and shot past Louise who was very impressed.... until she found out why I was so fast.  Gill broke out her hand warmers and we all did some waving of hands in the air as we all had freezing cold fingers. It was now 2 degrees but with the wind chill, much colder.

A left turn at Beech Hill Church, continuing on Grazely Road for the next couple of miles. It is very flat around here and very exposed to the wind. Brrrr. 😨

Crossing the A33 with the help of several traffic lights, we soon came back to the junction with Hyde End Lane, that we used earlier, but this  time turned to join the cyclepaths through to Shinfield Church. It was now 1 degrees, with spots of sleet, and not a difficult decision to get home the quickest route. Which was back through Lower Earley. Gill left us at Hatch Farm Way. That last 20 mins home was miserable, with heavy rain now. BUT, we all agreed worth going out, since the majority of the time we were absolutely fine. 

QUIZ  QUESTION.... do you see anything in today's route map. (my answer below the map)

As I zoomed in to capture today's route, I burst out laughing, since all I could see was a bear fly fishing!! (I added a dot for his eye)