Sherfield on Loddon via Mortimer - 38 miles

Our first Monday team ride for a few weeks, thanks to Christmas, injuries and weather!

Speaking of weather, still cold overnight, so we delayed our start time until 10.15 meeting at California X Roads. Dave confessed later, that he got there for 9.15 and wondered why no-one else has turned up.😂 He re read his message and came back for 10.15.  Linda discovered this morning that she had a flat tyre, so came on her old bike today. It's going well so far!

Since I am riding with Breeze to HW on Wednesday via Eversley and Plough Lane,  I wanted to avoid that today, which is the normal way I would head to or return from SOL.  Instead, we initially headed through California Park to Arborfield Green, and then  to Swallowfield.  

Route link

As we neared the top end of Charlton Lane, Daphne's chain came off. So the first photo of the day. 

John helping Daphne get her chain back on in Charlton Lane. 

Other than a few bits of ice at the roadside, or icy puddles, we had not had any problems so far, but that all changed as we approached the " Green Bridge" on Kingsbridge Hill. It got worse once across the bridge and I opted to  walk it.  A large walking group headed towards us, all with poles, picking their way through. The others seems to manage, but I opted to be sensible! 

Lots of ice on  Kingsbridge Hill

At the top of Lambs Lane, a nice whizz down over the A33, and right into Cross Lane, continuing all the way to Goodboys Lane, and into Wokefield Park.  Had trouble with my camera focus today, so not great photos!

Loads of geese in Wokefield Park

Emerging from Wokefield Park. I could NOT get my lens to focus 
on these Catkins. 

Left now all the way to Stratfield Mortimer (ignoring Barking Dog Hill 😉). Daphne and I almost collided as we did the right turn to climb up passing the church, (oops!)  and soon into Pitfield Lane. I've not cycled the length of this lane for a long time, but have dropped into it from Drury Lane and Turks Lane.   Near Drury Lane, a serious patch of ice and deep puddle across the road, so we all dismounted to walk around this one. 
Icy Pitfield Lane. 

Short of Silchester, we turned left into Park Lane, and right at the top, continuing to the  Fair Oak junction, and straight over on Mill Lane all the way to SOL.  A few more icy patches on this lane too. 
No one sitting out at the cafe today, infact they only had a couple of outdoor tables anyway. (stored away for winter). No queue to order, but pretty busy inside with Mummies and pushchairs. 

Iced Bun. Not had one of those for years!
(Or is it a Chelsea Bun.... big debate.)

John had the most enormous piece of Chocolate /Pistacho cake. 

Rather than cross the A33, which I would normally do from here, (but it's a longer route), we doubled back a couple of miles, turning right to join Great Dover Street to skirt the edge of Stratfield Saye. Daphne thought she had not been here before. 😂😉 (only 100 times.)

Then the climb up Welsh Drive and back via Park Lane, Swallowfield, and over Farley Hill to Hogwood area.  We stuck to the cyclepaths through the ever increasing development, to join Nine Mile Ride. I rode over a large patch of glass at this point, so will be checking my tyres in the morning.😖😖😖 So far, they seem ok. 

Nice to see everyone back out, and hoping no more icy nights over the coming week.