Breeze Mattingley to Mapledurwell via Bramley - 29 miles

It was such a relief to see SUNSHINE in the forecast for today, after endless days of storms, and so much rain. I tweaked my route last night, with flooding in mind, but was still fully prepared to get wet feet at some point today. As it turned out, no blue skies, but the sun did it's best to glimpse through the grey sky just occasionally.  Absolutely no wind today, so although a chilly start, we soon warmed up. We were looking out for snowdrops today.... would we find any?

Route link screen shot at end. 

Starting our ride at Mattingley
and this barn opposite the church. 

Car park almost full after we arrived today at 9.45. ,
A Ramblers walk also starting here today at 10.30, and some already there.
The rest would have to park elsewhere! 😉

(John got a lift with me to the start and  rode home via Crondall.  Karen's husband brought her to the start and I was able to offer her a lift back to Wokingham.)

We crossed to Bottle Lane,  and continued an easy first few miles, weaving our way through plenty of puddles,  only rising a little to our turn off to Wellesley School, where we regrouped. I took this photo which included the sun through the trees incase we never saw it again!  Difficult to get the exposure right, to keep the sun from blowing out highlights, whilst the ladies were all in dark shade. Couldn't actually see who is in the shot through the lens, which is why only half of Karen is included. 😊

Top end of Bottle Lane, before we drop down passing Wellesley School
to cross the A33. 

Riding on Great Dover Street to the Fair Oak X Roads, we continued straight over into Mortimer Lane, all the way to Station Road, Mortimer.   Then something I haven't done for ages, is to climb all the way through Mortimer passing the war memorial. I was popular!  (More often turn off part way up the hill either left or right depending on our destination).  But if anyone was cold, they weren't now 

Re grouping at the war memorial Mortimer. 

The purple wreath in remembrance of animals who lost lives
during the war. 

Mortimer, at the memorial, with the pond in the background. 
Gill (in orange today, which confused everyone)

My first sighting of snowdrops today at Mortimer Pond,
but a bit pathetic. 

From Mortimer we dropped downhill on Turks Lane, where I was a bit worried about flooding at the bottom, but it was fine. A cheeky uphill to join Pitfield Lane, and then we continued uphill of course to Silchester.  A left turn, to pass Silchester Church, and down Church Lane. A mess in places, but not as bad as I have seen it previously.   A dogleg into Ash Lane next, and to Bramley Corner, and almost at the Barn. 

A large group of cyclist has just left as we arrived,
which was handy. 

We took two  tables in the corner, and the other big
group of cyclists vacated just before we arrived. 

Not everyone had been before, and it gets top marks for service and HOT coffee. They deliver the drinks one by one, so that everyone gets a hot drink, with their chosen snack. So sensible, rather than try to bring them all together, by which time half of them are cold.  We also approved of the music which was a light jazz.  

I spotted a person wearing a cycling jacket outside with orange and black bands,  and thought it was my hubby, then decided it wasn't.   When I got home, he asked if we had seen any large groups out today, U3A sort of group? And was one of them wearing  a jacket the same as his? 😂 He had also seen them in Upton Grey on his way to Crondall) 

From the Barn, first right into Cufaude Lane and easy few miles again heading to Chineham, where we used the cyclepaths through the green corridors, to cross over the A33, and into Pyotts Hill (downhill this way) to Old Basing. 

At this point, we could have turned left to take Newnam Road, to Newnam (near Tyley Hall), but that would  have been a much shorter ride.  So my route used Hatch Lane, to cross the A30 this time, at The Hatch Pub, and onto a cycle path joining to Greywell Road.  A few more gentle inclines as we crossed over the M3 now, and into Tunworth Road arriving in Mapledurwell facing "Maple Cottage".

Maple Cottage, Mapledurwell. 

 Passing The Gamekeepers Pub (where recently I had a very nice meal!), we arrived at the village pond, where our route turned left into Frog Lane. But first, a little detour on a dead end road, leading to the Church.  I had only been here once before, and had no idea if there would be snowdrops or not, but we went  for a look. 

Rather soggy left of the track leading to the church. 

12th century, St Mary's Church, Mapledurwell. 

A patch of snowdrops next to the path!

Another attempt to capture the SUN in the sky!
More snowdrops around the back of the church.

Team photo.
Linda, Kim, Rose, Amanda T, Gill, Louise, Karen and me. 

A quick look inside the tiny church. 

Lovely side lighting from the window onto the cushions. 

Back to the village pond, and into Frog Lane, where we spotted an Egret in the stream amongst the watercress. Onto Greywell Road and a little climb before the left turn into Blackstocks Lane, back over the M3 and the A30, passing Miller Ark Animals (well named in the current road conditions!).

As we crossed half way over the A30, a large truck actually flashed his lights and almost stopped to allow us to cross! Thats a  first!!

Uphill now all the way to Newnam X Roads, and soon through Tynley Hall grounds to Rotherwick. Church bells ringing, and a funeral gathering as we passed through Rotherwick with loads of cars parked. 

And withing half a mile, we are back to the start.  Well done ladies, and thanks all for joining me today, and Rose for assisting. We all agreed a lovely route, and barely a car to hassle us! These lanes are so much quieter than those around Wokingham. We rode with 8 the whole way, and often 3 abreast since it was so quiet. Bliss.