Just 3 of us again this week! Gill hopefully NOT having "a problem in Houston", Jeanette sunning herself in Malta (although she reported via Whats app this morning that it felt like the monsoon season started today!). Louise busy, and poor Andrea still struggling to get over a nasty virus. Hoping for a better turn out next week for our ride to Odiham to the Jean Haines Art Exhibition. (my online tutor).
Lynne, whose bike was stolen last weekend, was riding it once more, since it was found 48 hours later. Amazing. But just in case it happens again, she accidentally bought another bike, almost identical. 😂
It's a while since we've been to The TallyHo at Cranbourne, so that was my suggest which Lynne and Martina were happy with. So, with no route... we made it up as we went along.
Route link screen shot at end.
First heading across south Wokingham via Blagrove Lane and Ludgrove, we crossed the railway and from Waterloo Road, climbed to Binfield on the cyclepaths to Murrel Hill Road. Only 8 degrees today, and another gloomy morning (again!). On the BBC News this morning, they reported that in the last 11 days, in our area we have had only 18 minutes of sunshine. I think I must have blinked and missed them.
But by the time we climbed to Binfield, extra jacket layers were off.
Next, riding on Ryehurst Lane, we made our way to Frost Folly and the first photo today, taken as we passed Warfield church.
Talking of photos, my camera which has been away for 3 weeks, finally was waiting for me when I got home today. After a catalogue of emails and phone calls to get it back! I had to refuse to pay extra charges to get it back, after paying £65 already. What a shambles.