WLCG Andwell via Hartley Wespall - 36 miles

We were 5 today, as unfortunately Andrea had a problem with her gears at the 11th hour, and couldn't make the start time. Jeanette was on a course painting skies today.  (and it was her "birthday" lol)  I got the wrong date, so not really her birthday but she enjoyed her card anyway. 😄btw Jeanette, you are not getting another one on your official birthday.😅

It was a chilly 4 degrees this morning, so a few extra bits and pieces including my glove liners and snood for the first time this season. But it was sunny from the start.

Route link

Since this was to be quite a long route, I planned that we just whizz down the Barkham Road in 2 groups, to get to School Road Arborfield. We joined up again once we got there, and headed down the Swallowfield Road. It was quite misty.

Swallow field Road, misty fields. 

It's also that time of year. 

Part Lane next to Riseley and up Bull Lane, where we stopped and Louise announced that she would  changed her jacket. She now has an enormous bag on the back with a spare wardrobe of clothes 😉.

Louise changing from her Blue jacket into her pink one. 
( the rest of us only had one with us.)

Bull Lane Riseley. Hardly a cloud in the sky today.

We flew down Welsh Drive, and anyone who was too warm, soon cooled off again. Its always in the shade here and cold, but soon we rode around Statfield Saye in sunshine,  and then left into Green Lane to head to cross the A33 at Stratfield Turgis. 

Willow Trees overhang the road on Green Lane, Stratfield Saye

Over the A33 and uphill to a junction, where Gill announced she has no idea where she was. 😂 We had just passed what once was Daneshill School.  We then went  right and soon left to come to Hartley Wespall Church. " Ah, I  know where I am now". 

Cattle on our left just before Hartley Wespall Church on 
Turgis Green Lane.

The distinctive church tower with cedar shingle tiles. 


Across the junction and to Lyde Mill, which was another eureka moment for some. The River Lyde stream was really high here today, so much so that you could hear it. 

Shot of the day!
I put a glove under the camera to help support it on Lynne's bike saddle. Fortunately someone 
happened to question "Is that glove in the way of the lens?" 

Take 2.

Poor Martina who has recently had covid, but also not been out for a few weeks, found it tough on the inclines today, including the climb away from the Mill. But once at the top (Rotherwick), we enjoyed the downhill through Tilney Hall grounds.  But then a very strange noise from Martina's bike! There was a big  hole in her tyre.

We pulled over on this drive.

The home owner, approached us and I asked it he needed to get the car out? No he said, he's just going for a walk, and asked if we had everything we needed?   He offered us a foot pump. Brilliant. He told us to just leave it behind the gatepost when we had finished. 

Sunlight catching the Rotherwick sign, just next to where the puncture happened. 

At Newnam X Roads we went right to drop downhill (we would come back to this X roads later from the opposite direction).  
Water End Lane, to get us to cross the A30. 

And once over the A30, time for a cuppa at Andwell Brewery.  The service is a bit slow here, as only one person serving. Lynne and Martina ordered scrambled egg.  It was the strangest looking egg I've ever seen, more white than yellow. 

Really pleasant in the sun now. 12 oclock.

Reflections in the cafe doors. 

A bit of a loop now to cross back over the A30, a our return climb UP now to Newnam X Roads. 

And back through Tylney Hall, where the Redwood Trees were looking very red in the sun. 
Martina didn't remember coming through here an hour ago.😂

Through Rotherwick to Mattingley, and the inevitable climb up Plough Lane to Bramshill.

Plough Lane Bramshill.

We didn't fancy the Bramshill track after recent rain, so used the main road to connect to Eversley Ford, and over into Park Lane. Which was also closed, but we managed to squeeze past the grabloader.... just. 

Louise was hoping to buy some honey on Nashgrove Lane, but no answer. 

Together with a long tea break and puncture it was 2.30 when I got home today, but a beautiful sunny ride, so in no rush to get home.  Gill did 44 miles. Well done Gill. Nice to see you all and such  a shame that Andrea wasn't able to join us. Hope to see you next Friday, when Lynne has offered to put together a route.