Breeze Riseley to Charter Alley 30 miles (1000th rider)

To celebrate leading my 1000th lady on my Breeze Rides, I planned a new route for them today, as well as a new Breeze Teastop, in Charter Alley. It was touch and go if we would ride, since 48 hours ago the forecast was pretty awful, but I decided yesterday that we would go, since it was to be 15 degrees even at 9am, so we knew even if we got wet, we wouldn't be cold. And they all agreed.😊

Route link screen shot at end.

Starting out at Riseley Memorial Hall
Jessica, Kim, Me, Karen, Amanda T, Gill

 It wasn't raning at this point, but within 200 yards of starting, it started with light drizzle, so a stop to get ready for  rain. Grrr.  Then we whizzed down Welsh Drive, and around the edge of Stratfield Saye. Since Karen and Jessica not familiar with the area, just the occasional stop to explain where we are. 

Main entrance to Stratfield Saye.

Well, at least 2 are paying attention!. 😂

We headed to Bramley next, missing out the level crossing by riding over the railbridge on Olivers  Lane, to turn left. (Which is closed, but a very helpful roadworker moved the barrier out of the way as he saw us approaching.)

We had a quick discussion at this point, since it was drizzling. Was everyone happy to stick with the 30 mile route, or cut it  in half and stop at the Barn in Bramley instead?  They were all happy to continue with our planned route. 

We rode on Vine Road (passing NT The Vine) continuing to Sherbourne St John, and where I stopped for this next photo of the autumnal colours.

Colourful hedge and trees on Cranes Road, Sherbourne St John.

A dogleg now across the A340 Aldermaston Road, and into the quiet Monk Sherbourne Road, and Ramsdell Road. Such a shame about the light today, but at least it had pretty much stopped raining. 

Ramsdell Road, nr Monk Sherbourne. 

Just short of Charter Alley, we stopped to see these very cute Alpacas.
They came dashing over to see us, accompanied by half a dozen chickens. 

lol. 😂

Kim fed them from the food box that said "Goat food".
I don't they were too fussy.

What about me?!!!

Top of the hill, and we arrived at Charter Alley Village Store. I have been here several times, and always sat outside, but not today. It had stopped raining, but the chairs were wet. The very friendly owners made up a table for 6 of us. They are a very welcoming husband and wife team and always very friendly.  And the prices are ridiculously cheap compared to any other cafes we go to. £3.74 for my tea and cake. 

Taken by the owner.
Oh dear, look at our hair! Think we are a bit damp.

A few bikes racks outside the shop. Getting ready to go,
and its brightened up a bit. Jackets off again for  some. 

We left Charter Alley on Deans Lane, through an area called West Heath. Very pretty lanes around here, and we continue to pass Baughurst church, on Church Lane. 
Dean Lane, looking very golden.

The unusual wooden signage of Baughurst church. 

A couple of not so interesting miles next,as we climb into Tadley and Pamber Heath, but once we are up, we soon pass Silchester cricket club, one of our other Breeze cafe stops. Then downhill from Silchester. I usually return to Riseley via Park Lane, but ignored that today, and continued to take the next left at the farm, called Turks Lane.  I have only come down this a couple of times, but never been up. It seems like a long downhill...... so here we go. 

This is our left turn into Turks Lane, up hill to Mortimer.

I stopped to photograph this pretty  house at the top of Turks Lane, since I had never noticed it going down the lane. This little dog dashed out barking, and I was initially a bit nervous! lol. But it just wanted patting, and the owner came out to pick it up.... but it didn't want to be picked up. He had his breakfast bowl in his hand which didnt' help. lol. 

Finally, success and  we can continue. 

We left Mortimer, turning left at the War Memorial, then right into the undulating Nightingale Lane, where if you stop at one point, you can see Wokefield Park in the distance. 

View to Wokefield Park, from Nightingale Lane.

A sneek through the back entrance to Wokefield Park, where Jessica said she had been with Sue just last week. From Wokefield, into Cross Lane, and through a flood at Foudry Brook, which is often there, before the climb up to Beech Hill church. 

Almost back, and some colourful trees as we join Chequers lane
and Welsh Drive for our climb up to Bull Lane. 

We did a good pace today of 11.6mph, and most of us were much too warm when we finished in 19 degrees! Stupid weather. 

Thanks ladies for being my 1000th rider (well one of you anyway). A lovely route and one to be repeated, and I think lunch was mentioned as a good idea for another time. 😉

I can see Pinnochio in our route today!