WLCG Hurley via Pinkneys Green - 35 miles

Martina and Gill are away today, and Louise busy, so we were 4. It was forecast to be about 4 degrees at 9am, so I suggested a 10am start, by which time it was 9 degrees... but with the promise of sunshine all the way, we knew we would soon warm up. I heard that it was zero at Benson this morning. 

We were heading to the Hurley Lock cafe, which will soon be closing for the season, so I worked out a route to get there, initially via Binfield, but trying to vary the route a tiny bit from the predictable route.


We worked our way, all slightly uphill of course towards the A329 roundabout and across to Binfield, to turn into Murrell Hill Lane. Not been that way for ages. 

Murrell Hill Lane, Binfield.

The very peaceful Murrell Hill Lane. 

We dropped down past the Jack o' Newbury, and at the junction at the church, a LEFT turn today, to climb up to turn left again into Carters Hill. I wanted to investigate the entrance to the lane from Billingbear, which emerges at Shurlock Row. (I had ridded part of it recently in the opposite direction).  It is defintley private into a farm, which is a shame, but not a surprise, since otherwise, I'm sure I would have cut through it years ago! 

So instead we took the main road to Shurlock Row, over the motorway, which runs pretty much parallel to the track I had hoped to use.

Once through Shurlock Row, a nose blow stop in Smewins Road, Beenhams Heath. 

Smewins Road hay barn full up.

We dropped down Kiln Hill towards White Waltham, but then turned right to climb on the B3024 so that we could enjoy the downhill passing White Waltham Church. (and of course it kept us warm)

All downhill as we passed White Waltham church. 
The boring section now to reach the A4 and then lanes to Pinkneys Green Common, where we continued to Golden Ball Lane, and then dropped down Lee Lane to join Dungrove Hill Lane. Dungrove Hill Lane was pretty messy with muddy sections, but not so bad when we took our time. I spotted a model airplane overhead, so when we reached the gap in the hedge where I have previously spotted a wind sock, I stopped to see what was going on.

There is a "private, no public access" sign at  a style, but I asked a gentleman if ok to take a photo? "Of course,  do come in"  So we did. And we were there for several minutes. 
The private model flying club on Dungrove Hill Lane

These ones are plastic, and they are not so keen on these. 

View to Daneshill from the model club. 

Coming in to land..... just above the tree line on the right.
They take off and land on the grass strip runway. 

Almost down.....


It's much bigger than it looked in flight.

This guy is still a pilot... of proper aircraft.... and he had sent his "jet" off down the
runway and this was it on the way back ready to take off. 

And with a loud woooosh.... it was gone.... like concorde!

Top left, but it all happened rather fast with the jet. 

They were a friendly bunch and said we could drop by any time. So now down the steep hill to cross under the A404 tunnel. Jeanette, not so keen on steep downhills, took it easy. Well, we all did since the surface is not the best. 

Just turning off and before we go into the tunnel,
looking back to the top of the hill where the models were flying. 

We follow this track for a few yards, then under the tunnel.

As we dropped downhill into Temple on the one way single track road, 2 lovely fields on our left and our right. 

Horses and sheep (s) with sunflowers behind.

and the field on the right.

Passing their peak, but still pretty to see. 

Using Lynne's bike seat as a tripod, I struggled to get the camera straight today. 😂


As I was taking my photos a female cyclist passed us, and I thought it was Sarah, from Cookham. Turns out she is away, and doing some cycling in South Africa, so it wasn't her.

Under the DARK tunnel next and soon we were in Hurley.

12.30 as we arrived in Hurley, and we were all feeling hungry. 

Nice and warm sitting out at the lock cafe. 

I asked the cafe owner when she was closing for the season? End of September was all she said.  I then asked when she reopens? Easter?  She is not opening again.... retirement. Presumably her husband, the lock keeper retiring too.  No plans that she knows of for anyone to take over the cafe. That s pity since it good stop for Breeze. 

Sitting have my cuppa, a man approached, but kept his distrance.  "Excuse me, are you Anne?"  I was a bit taken aback.  He was Sue Clark's husband Rae.   She had continued walking the dog, while Rae waited at the lock. He's not too well atm, so this was far enough for him.  We were there quite a few minutes,  having sausage rolls and cake, and just as we were leaving, Sue and her dog returned.

Back over the pedestrian bridge to Hurley to continue our loop,
now up Rose Lane to Crazies Hill.

Normal route back to Ruscombe, then down passed the Vineyard to Hurst.  We pulled in at the Castle Inn, to allow a car to pass.  It was sunny and the pub looked rather nice. Jeanette, I think jokingly said she fancied a  Guinness. And I thought, well why not?  The others didn't take too much persuasion!! 😎

My bike shining Gold in the sunshine today. Andrea's Orro also looking nice today
as the green paint, changed to purple with the sun on it. 

Taken by a fellow cyclist. 

This group were doing  a 60 mile loop  from London. They faffed forever
before they finally set off. 

Home at 3.45, but we did start later. Lovely day to be out. Thanks all, and glad you enjoyed a few alternative directions today to mix it up a bit.