Breeze Sonning Common to South Stoke - 28 miles

Brrr. Where has summer gone?!   It was the first day of wearing a second layer for a very long time.  We all made our way to start the ride today, to drive through Sonning. BUT when I crossed the A4 at Woodley, the queue started there! Disaster.  I had a phone call from Julie (whom I had never met) to say that she was stuck in traffic and was going to be late.    I said "don't worry... we are behind you anyway!"

I had Jeanette and Louise with me, and hubby driving, so between us we contacted all the drivers to ask if it was possible they could turn around, and head to cross Reading Bridge instead? Some could, others couldn't,  but we all eventually met at 10am in Sonning Common and hour after leaving Wokingham.  It turned out to be a faulty set of temporary lights causing absolute chaos. 😑

Our first priority was a visit to the public loos in Sonning Common.πŸ˜‚
Look at those winter layers!

I had planned to start off with my autumn gloves and had my fingerless gloves with me, hoping for warmer weather later.  I stupidly had taken 2 right hand autumn gloves with me, so I wore one glove from each pair...  looking a bit ridiculous. πŸ˜…

As we started out, my Garmin was not working, so I closed it all a couple of times and it still didn't work.  I planned this route 3 weeks ago, and have been on holiday, so although I know all the roads, they might not necessarily be in the right order, since today's route was a bit different to other Chiltern routes.   I had shared the route with others but most of  them had problems too at the start. (and some the whole way!).  I think the Russians were watching us today. (update. My Garmin called it a "virtual" ride today. I can assure you it was very real )

We passed through Wyfold area and climbed gradually to Checkendon on Deer Lane. At the equestrian centre, where we usually stay high, today we dropped down the hill, passing the Furniture Maker Philip Koomen,  on Bottom Lane. 

Start of a big downhill on Bottom Lane from Checkendon.
I don't often ride this lane, but each time I do these Persicaria seems to be in flower! 
Caroline up front. 

Julie H, Amanda T

Amy followed by Jeanette

Jeanette, Louise and Rose. 

At the bottom of Bottom Lane, the landscape changes dramatically.

Looking back when we pulled in for a car to pass. 

Photo by Rose at Bottom Lane.
A few orange jackets out today. 

To allow us to cross directly over the A4074, a right turn before the end of Bottom Lane, then left as we crossed to join Icknield Road, passing the field that used to be a grass airstrip. (now a farmers field)

A short climb now to a high point, where we stopped for a group photo.

Ickneild Road with views behind to Woodcote.

And views opposite towards Ipsden. 

Next we turned into this road called Grove Road, passing the farm
to emerge at the B4009. (My Garmin still stuck at Grove Road, Sonning Common!) 

We rode in 2 groups on a short section of the B4009, then left in to South Stoke, for a loop through the village.

South Stoke. We all loved the car, and the house not too shabby either.

Photo by Amy.

South Stoke if very pretty, but just a flying visit as we did a Ushape to leave S.Stoke and rejoin another short section of the B4009, and visit Little Stoke. 

A short section of B4009 on our way to Little Stoke.

Photo by Rose.   And now to Little Stoke.

photo by Rose of me, catching them up.

There is nothing in Little Stoke, just quiet lanes, but it gets us off the main road for a little detour, and I found a couple of things to photograph!

Sunflowers at Little Stoke. Not enough sun today for them to perk up. 

Also doing the Little Stoke loop.

And the same again, as we joined the B4009 and left it once more, to visit North Stoke (I had never been here before, but had noticed on the map, that there is a Church to visit.) 

North Stoke. Old School Rooms.

A couple of locals said it was worth looking at the church, which had some unusual wall painting. 

I took a couple of photos, but more info tells me a lot more about them. They are Medieval. North Stoke church paintings

Autumnal colours 

Rose signed the visitors book on behalf of the group.

Me taking a photo of them taking a photo.πŸ˜‰

photo by Amy of Amanda and Jeanette.

A few pictures from Amy and Rose, also taken in North Stoke.....

So, when we came out of the church I had thought, as with South Stoke and Little Stoke, that we were doing a U shape route, but it's a dead end in North Stoke.... which joins the Ridgeway Path.  (but this was from memory).  We backtracked through the village, and then straight over the B4009 and straight over again on the A4074, into a quiet lane, Church Lane. 

Another Church Lane, this time to pass Ipsden Church, with it's double bell tower.

The corner of Church Lane, Ipsden.   Loads of gulls following the tractor. 

It's hotting up, and time to remove a layer before we climb to the
Blue Tin, on Garsons Lane. 
Louise, Caroline, Julie, Jeanette, Amanda T, Rose and Amy.

I wasn't feeling my best, with a cold, so wasn't sure I would make it today, but I did, and so did everyone else. Well done everyone. It was time for lunch, and many sausage rolls and scotch eggs were consumed. And maybe a few slices of orange cake too. πŸ˜‹

Arriving at The Blue Tin Farm Shop

Blue Tin entrance. 

I was half expecting rain by this time, but it was warm and sunny. Perfect. 

The worst is behind us now, just a little bit of elevation into Stoke Row, which we passed through today, then continued on the massive downhill towards Highmoor Cross, which is spoiled only by the uphill! Soon we turned down Rocky Lane, which is ALL downhill, emerging at the side entrance to Greys  Court. 

We split into 2 groups for the next couple of miles to Rotherfield Greys and I said we would meet Rose's group at the bottom as we drop into Harpsden.    We waited quite a few minutes, but they didn't appear. πŸ˜•

I called Rose, who said the Garmin route had taken them down a steep  footpath track! Wot!! I didn't plan that, or so I thought.  Jeanette, with Rose, suspected we would just have carried on, on the road..... she was right!  Apologies ladies in Rose's group, but I unknowingly did include that according to my route. Sorry! Garmin cut off a corner for you, but not terribly helpful if it's a footpath. 

The breakaway group, who opted to "walk" down  a
steep rooty footpath to Harspden. No one was harmed. 

I gave them to option to finish the ride by either riding up Devil's Hill, or Perseverance Hill. Since Perseverance Hill means another hill to climb after that, they chose Devil's Hill. 

At the top on Devil's Hill. Beautiful light in the woods. 

Our "back marker" Rose, reaches the top. yes! Well done. 

And finally to Sonning Common. It was 3 o'clock! lol.  

Everyone said they enjoyed the ride, with some new lanes today. It was challenging, but some great downhills too, and the weather was perfect. Very nice to meet Julie, and hope to see you on  another ride soon.