Breeze FBC to Riseley - 20 miles (and a few extra)

Since Sue is away on holiday (again!), I offered a 2nd ride this week, on Thursday.  This was a flattish 20 mile loop, our destination Riseley Tea Rooms. Very nice to see Yvonne, Sue, Cathy and Rachael..... Rachael's first outing with Breeze for a long time. And we might be seeing more of Cathy, who is now taking a  break from work. 😊 Enjoy your freedom Cathy. 

Route link screen shot at end. 

We could have picked up Rachael on our way past Finch church as we climbed White Horse Lane, but that would have made the ride even shorter for her, so I didn't offer to do that. We met at FBC, and once through California Park, climbed up White Horse Lane, and a quick drink stop (first of many today since it was hot), at the church. I asked Rachael to lead up WH Lane, so that she could set a pace comfortable to her. She shot off!  😂. 

Rachael chatting to her neighbour, whose wife had made 
some of the beautiful cakes for Rachael's open garden recently. 

Finchampstead church. 

Having climbed W.H.Lane, it was all fast downhill to Eversley Cross, and then flat as we joined the Reading Road through Eversley, to  join Warbrooke Lane.  Our average speed was 11.3 at this point, so we were doing a good pace. It wouldn't last...... since we soon joined a track through Bramshill, parallel to the Bramshill Road.   I  had only used this once in the past, and a bit messy in winter, but great this time of year. It was nice and wide and no potholes, leading all the way to Ford Lane. 

Joining the Bramshill track just behind the car park. The path
opens out immediately beyond this small gap. 

Emerging at the other end, at the post box on Ford Lane. 
All lovely and shady, and ideal for cycling today. 
Yvonne, Sue, Cathy, Me and Rachael. 

Sue mentioned that she had tried to get through Bramshill somewhere along Wellhouse Lane, but had gone wrong. So, with the agreement of the others, we did a little detour to show her where she should have gone. It's 0.6 of a mile from the junction. So now she knows. 

This cottage opposite the entrance to Wellhouse Lane
had a lot of Evening Primrose flowers. 

Doubling back to rejoin our route, we used Part Lane to arrive in Riseley. Just 2 ladies there having tea this morning. As they left they said " See you next week" to the owner. Several bookings for tea this afternoon, and business is doing well.  Debbie, the owner offered to set up a table outside for us, but we were very happy to sit inside to keep cool.  

The Cinnamon "rolls" were to die for. Rachael asked for the recipe
which made the owner laugh, since she said it's amazing they turned out! 
Bit of a faff to make, with chilling time. BBC Good Food recipe.

We had tea and chatted for best part of an hour. No rush really at this stage so why not? Rather than head back, my planned route was to add a little loop beyond Bull Lane, and actually I had planned to use Spring Lane today. ) the one over the A33).  I had used it on Monday to check it out, and although nice and dry, its really bumpy. Rachael had a problem with her rear mudguard which had a bit missing, and rubbing on her tyre, so it might have got worse on the rough path of Spring Lane. We used Barge Lane instead.

So, as we climbed Bull Lane, and under the A33, I was at the back.  " Right turn at the top", and Sue and Cathy were off.  

The rest of got the bottom of Bull Lane, to join Barge Lane, but no sign of Sue and Cathy. I felt sure they would have waited there for us.😕 I called Sue. "where are you?"  They had gone Left at the top. 

Waiting at the junction of Bull and Barge Lane, where we had expected 
Sue and Cathy to be..... it was hot in the sun. 

We heard them coming since Cathy's brakes were really
squealing today! I think she needs new brake pads. 

Here come the rebels.

Just as we joined Barge Lane, a shout from behind. What now?  Cathy had a puncture. But all good soon, since her "gunge" in her tyres worked so she was able to continue. Phew. Too hot for fixing punctures today. 

Barge Lane 😡😡😡 Disgraceful. Sue also took a photo and 
will report it to the council. 

We did the dash across the A33, and soon crossed again to drop down Charlton Lane to Trowes Lane and into Swallowfield. Very sad news that 81 houses have just been given the go ahead to built on  Trowes Lane here. 

Our return loop was on Swallowfield Road, a gradual climb all the way to Arborfield Cross. 

Pulling over to let him pass on Swallowfield Road.

Down the almost traffic free School Road, and joined the cycle paths of Arborfield Green back to FBC. 

Well done especially to those who don't get out so often, and I hope you enjoyed the ride. Sue and Cathy are riding again tomorrow with Jill.  I believe Rachael was going home back up White Horse Lane for the second time today.   Well done Rachael. Get some more air in those tyres, and you will be whizzing!