Suffolk Cycling with John - 140 miles 5500 feet

 I've been cycling in Suffolk 3 times with girlfriends, but this was the first time with John. So I booked with 2 of my favourite hotels, giving us good access to some of the popular locations along the coast, as well as inland. 


We drove to park at Seckford Hall, on the edge of Woodbridge. We were much too early to check in, but had a cuppa in the garden before we got changed and set off on our first ride. 

Pleasantly warm sitting in Seckford Hall garden.
(Our room would be the one top centre, and windows to the right)

A quick change, and we're off!

Not too far today, since we didn't set off until 11.30am

Leaving Seckford Hall, we headed towards Great Bealings, and to Grundisburgh. I had ridden straight over this X Roads previously, with the impressive school facing. There is a ford just to the left of this bridge, and a second ford further to the right along the stream.  What I hadn't noticed before, since it was not relevant, was the CAFE!  So we stopped of course. 

Grundisburgh. Cafe just over the bridge on the left. 

It was a strange shop. A bit like "4 candles",
with a coffee shop included called The Old Drapery Coffee Shop. 
We pushed our bikes into the side garden. 

12.15 as we left, and passed Grundisburgh Church. 

We wiggled our way around lanes via Burgh,  Hasketon, and Bredfield. The light a bit flat for decent photos today, but lovely quiet lanes. 

We saw lots of crop fields over the course of the 4 days.
Very few yet harvested, but just about ready. 

An unusual splash of colour. 

Don't think I had been to Ufford before.
We stopped for a few minutes taking a tiny detour on Church Lane. 

This one called Ufford House. 

Now after 1o'clock.

 Church Cottage.

This is someone being silly. 

Lovely gate at the church

We saw lots of splashes of red from poppies.

Our loop brought us through Melton, over a railcrossing, and our plan was to go to Sutton Hoo. Goodness knows how, but Garmin completely missed the turning, which was frustrating, since there was a MASSIVE traffic queue with 4 way temporary lights going into Woodbridge... which is also uphill. 

We eventually realised our mistake, and decided to turn back, ( used the pavement to pass all the traffic), although we did have Q follow us UP the hill to Sutton Hoo (which is a hill I remember!).  Since we arrived on bikes, we were give a voucher for FREE hot drinks.(National trust incentive..... but they could do with a cycle path to get there!!)

It just started to rain lightly as we arrived, but almost as soon as jackets on, they were off again. 

Views at Sutton Hoo. Last time, I hadn't actually walked to the burial mounds, so
we did that this time. The house has a small exhibition. 

Yellow Ragwort has become a problem, taking over.
But it's colourful. 

We  climbed the tower, once we walked around a field. 
A mound to the right. 

View of the burial mounds from the top of the tower. 
( a tour group inside the mound area, but otherwise not allowed)

As we cycled back down the hill, we were on the pavement as we crossed the River Deben going into Woodbridge (for the second time!) 

Crossing the River Deben, Woodbridge. 

We had a swim/sauna back at the hotel, by which time the sun had come out, so we had our pre dinner drinks in the garden.
He's smiling, but  got a wet bottom, since the cushion was still wet after the rain. 😂

"Cannelloni of courgette" stuffed with crab. Very nice, as was the pickled salad. 

Described as "curried chicken".  The chicken roulade had a spicy
coating, served with Scallops and potato with Mango dressing.

Apple Cheesecake, which we shared. 


Looking like a lovely day out there! Bedroom view. 

Seckford Hall

A bit of a panic this morning, as we went to get our bikes from where they had been "safely" stored last night, only to find they were gone!   A few anxious moments until a staff member found them in a shed. Phew. 

Today, we were heading for the Bawdsey Ferry to Felixstow, 
returning on the opposite side of the river. 

2 mins from our hotel, which is in the countyside.

Before we joined the main route, we had a visit to the riverside in Woodbridge, which was not easy to find around the one -way system!  The Museum was closed, but we were invited into the "Long Ship" building, where an exact replica of the Sutton Hoo ship is being made, using original methods. (It started in 2019).

The Tide Mill museum.

Just got passed this field before the tractor pulled out,  loaded up with potatoes.

Every village makes a big effort with their signage.

Alderton bus stop/library.

Looking back to Alderton. Typical pretty coloured houses. 

We had been peddling into quite a strong headwind, which picked up as we approached Bawdsey, We waved the "flag" (made from a plastic lid), and thankfully after an anxious few moments, it made it's way across from the other side. The "cheery" ferryman as miserable as the last time. He has a bad shoulder, so doesn't help with the bikes. (or that's his excuse.)

here it comes. 

Only us on the ferry. 

I had lunch previously, with my friends, at the cafe on the other side, but today it was very busy, and a really annoyingly LOUD man was on his phone... so we went to the one next door.  We were only looking for a cuppa at this point. 

It was like an American Diner inside! We sat out. 

A few minutes taking some photos around the riverside. It's scruffy, but interesting at the same time. 

The landscape now changed dramatically as we head headed along the pathway next to the coast into Felixstowe. The wild fennel was beautiful. 

Loved the shape of the fence, with the Martello Tower beyond. 

The rocks add interesting structure too. 

Wild Geranium flowers. 

The grasses were a gorgeous rich bronze colour. 

 Last one! 

I had previously eaten lunch at the pier too, which served great food, so that was our next port of call. Fish and Chips all round. (But a small portion, since we will have dinner later. 😂) 

It was VERY bright now, and these sunshades looked dramantic. 

After lunch, a little backtracking, then down a nice lane, where previously Daphne and I had stopped to speak to the cows. 😅. (They were much further over in the field today.) Quite a lot of new housing going up here now. 😔. Next, through Trimley St Mary where we used the pedestrian bridge to cross the busy A14, and made our way towards Waldringfield. 

It started to rain, in almost the exact same place as the last time I rode here (and we all got soaked). Thankfully it came to nothing, and we arrived in pleasant weather at the Maybush Pub on the riverside for a drink. 

Views at the Maybush, Waldringfield. 

Right turn here, as we now ride the last 7 miles back to Seckford Hall. 

It's been relatively easy all day, but in the last few miles back to Seckford Hall, a few 7% inclines.😧

Another swim, another nice meal, and in the morning we packed up to drive to our next hotel in Westleton.


We parked up at The Crown, Westleton, and set out in a very pleasant 20degrees, heading initially to Dunwich, passing the old Monastery. 

The roads from Westleton are surrounded by Heathland. 

The old Monastery Building, Dunwich. 


The golf ball shape in the distance is Sizewell Power Station. (John wants to ride there!)

On my previous trip, a main road to link to Walberswick, 
but we found this track. A bit messy in places, but not too bad. 

Walberswick Church.

Suffolk was covered in Hollyhocks. 

Teashop, recommended by a local. 

Delicious... and the sparrows agreed!

We spent a few minutes riding to the beach in Walberswick, before heading to the tiny ferry.

A shop with a bit of eveything. 

Walberswick green. 

This lady approached us explaining that she had just photographed us,
and would like to paint us .. well, our bikes.... waiting for the ferry.
She also admired our bike saddles. She has a issue with sitting. 

Art group.

He works hard! Rowing against the current , to then swing round
to not miss the deck on the opposite bank. 

And since John not been here before, a few minutes photography at the Fishermen's huts. 

Southwold main town in the distance.

The lighthouse slap bang in the middle of the town. 

Southwold Pier ahead

A nice lunch on the pier, then we started heading inland once more, towards Wrentham. 

I dont know which crop this is. Very orange in colour
compared to the other golden fields of wheat.

A very welcome "Aldburgh" Ice cream, at this pub on a road junction in Blyford. 

Finally, we retraced our route via Dunwich, back to Westleton
where the heather was very colourful. 

We checked in to the Swan Room, and since it was rather warm, later had a walk around the village and a drink in the pub garden before a very nice meal. 


The main plan today, was to visit Thorpeness, since John had never been. Its a very unique village, built in the 1950s as a holiday destination, with a Mere, since there is not seafront as such. 

But first..... John wanted to ride to Sizewell. 😏. Not quite sure why.... but here we go. It was our longest ride, almost 43 miles, and it was hot. 

John planned this route, which included a few tracks. The first one, where we left the road near RSPB Minsmere. 

It got narrower! Before it opened up. 

Too fast for the shutter to focus in the dark tunnel. 

The only cattle we  saw all week.

Will it ever be built? 

The current power station ahead. 

Erm... moving on swiftly. 😅

Another track now, to link us to Thorpness. This time, VERY sandy, and a few moments of Wey hey, as we tried to keep the bikes upright. 

The track mostly ok, but at times the sand just too deep. 

A mini tour of Thorpesness, including ice cream at the Mere.  Very colourful with all the boats and blue sky.

The "House in the clouds" on the right of the Mere. 

This little family of Egyptian Geese came right over to the camera. So cute. 

Aldburgh is just a few minutes ride from Thorpness, passing the Shell sculpure on the beach, which we were both convinced looked as if it had fallen over!  (We had both seen it before).   

Closer inspection, and of course it HADN'T fallen over 

Always lovely colours from wild flowers along the seafront in Aldburgh. 

We rode through town, all the way to the Martello Tower, where I chatted with another artist who was out sketching.  A bit of more main road now, not busy, but like a rollercoaster enroute to Aldringham.

Lots of riding around crop fields, with no cafes or pubs for several miles, so we were grateful to come to this pub in  Cartlton.

Gasping!  Sat in shade and enjoyed some pulled pork tacos.

Nice to spot some purple flowered crops for a change

This is a green manure crop, called Phacelia.

Walpole Cottage, where we turned.... uphill. 

Walpole. Lots of Hollyhocks here too. 

I was feeling a bit jaded this afternoon, especially on the uphills in the heat. It was almost 30degrees.   I screeched to a halt at one point in Bramfield at this crinkle cranckle wall!  I was pleased that I KNEW there would be an unusual church just opposite, which you can easily miss. 

Crinkle Crankle Wall in Bramfield.

It roof is thatched.  Difficult to photograph up close.

John checked google whilst I photographed and there is a pub right next door!   Woo hoo!

Easier to photograph the church from the pub garden!

We enjoyed a cuppa tea accompanied by THE most delicious
chocolate brownie I've ever had. 

It even came with a chocolate spoon. 😂

A few more miles, and back to Westleton, on what was a very hot afternoon.

Westleton church, just across the road from our pub/hotel. 

We went back after our meal, when the light was lovely. 
(mobile phone shots)

A perfect end to a fabulous 4 days touring Suffolk. John enjoyed it too, but was missing his hit of  climbing hills.  There were enough for me! 😉