Odiham to Preston Candover via Bighton - 39 miles 2,200 feet

Ebike Sunday ride today, and I suggested going to The Yard at Preston Candover. John planned the route, adding a few new lanes around the middle section. A hot day, around 23 in the shade, but it reached over 30 degrees in the sun. 

We parked in Odiham at the Canal and made out way to Long Sutton.

Route link screen shot at end.

 At the pond, we climbed to "the field with the horse", which wasn't there today. 😂 But as we arrived at the top of the climb (15% gradient), 2 ladies had just pulled up at the same spot, having come up from Froyle. A few minutes chatting to them. They had come from Farnham. 

Top of the climb at the field with the horse (but no horse!)

We turned right now heading towards the Golden Pot crossing, along Froyle Road.

Looking in Odiham direction, from Froyle Road. 
Not many clouds around at this point. 

After we crossed the B3349 at Golden Pot, it wasn't far until we took a left turn into Shalden Lane, and new territory. (We normally continue straight in The Avenue,  passing Lasham airfield).

Shalden Lane, with Bowood House ahead. (not THE Bowood House)

Some very shady lanes at times today. Shalden Lane.

Beautiful display of Hydrangea Annabelle at this house in Shalden. 

A little further, and we thought there might be a church in Shalden. It could easily have been missed, as we pulled off the route, where a sign indicated it was off to the left. 

The entrance is well hidden.

What a pretty church, with a line of Cherry trees along its path.
(one for the spring if we remember.)

No names now legible on any of these gravestone, which must have been reset.

It was locked, so we couldn't get a look inside. 

A dog leg soon as we dropped down and over the A339, to climb again on Well Lane.

Eventually joining Abbey Road, nr Wivelrod, I see now on the map that Alton Abbey, was just to our left at the junction where we turned right, heading towards Medstead.  (Medstead is not very interesting, infact I shall remberer it as "Boring Bungalows".) But we enjoyed a long downhill as we left Medstead, joining Bighton Road.    

Enroute to Bighton

Loved how they have their own postbox. 

Pretty thatch with tall white chimneys, Bighton.

And looks like Almeshouses opposite the thatch. 

We then joined Nettlebeds Lane, and I 'm told I have been here before (with Daphne and Linda apparently! 😆) Just checked...... we came the other direction, so no chance of recognising it!

We rode on Spiers Lane to Chilton Candover and I was relived to see that we were almost at our teastop, at The Yard. 25 mile mark I think.   Fairly busy, but not too long to wait for our order. They now have table numbers, whereas before they used just shout out your name. 

nice pot of tea for me, and flat white for John. 

he read that they also have "guest espressos", so had a second coffee.
(me in the distance)

Getting ready to go, we chatted to a cyclist who had ridden 100 miles from Exeter
yesterday and was on his way to London... another 100 miles. 

The Exeter to London Cyclists leaves just ahead of us. 

Leaving The Yard. A pretty country scene. 

We often leave here, go left, and then right at Preston Candover church, heading to Lower Wield, but today, carried on further, taking the next right. We stayed low (skirting the Moundmere area), on Red Lane, to join  Berrydown Lane. (which runs below Ellisfield)

Dropping down from Red Lane to Berrydown Lane

At this junction, we head to Herriad. 

We came from behind us here, from Preston Candover. 

Back to our familiar route now to Herriad with the big long downhill to Upton Grey and continuing to Greywell, and then Odiham.   It was chaos in the car park at the Canal by the time we got back, and cars waiting to get into our space. 

Used plenty of power assist today, but could have managed our our other bikes of course. There were 2 or 3 pretty steep climbs of over 10% but the rest was undulating. (More up than down!) But out again tomorrow, so it was nice to use the power as necessary. 😉