Breeze Chievley to Inkpen Old Rectory Garden - 30 miles 2014ft

Last Autumn, I led a Breeze Ride from Chievely to Inkpen, and although it was one of the more challenging rides I had led, the ladies who came really enjoyed it. Several weeks ago, I spotted a garden in Inkpen which opens for private group visits, so had invited the same group of ladies to do the same ride. Sue, fresh back from her 5 week over seas trip, joined us as a second leader.  (Sue hasn't been on a bike for 5 weeks, so she did really well!!)

A few car shares, and we met at an unofficial car park just outside of Chieveley . Within less than a mile, we stopped to put on rain jackets. Just light drizzle, but it was a chilly morning, not feeling at all like July!

Route link (photo of route at end)

We initially peddled through the pretty village of Winterbourne, following  the stream, so all nice and flat as we passed The Watermill Theatre entrance. Any drizzle had stopped and knowing what was coming, I took my jacket off again.... I wouldn't be cold for long!  Passing The Woodspeed Restaurant, our first big climb of the day up Snake Lane. A recovery at the top, before we crossed the B4000, and after half a mile or so, also across the A4. 

A nice long downhill next to Marsh Benham, and over the K&A Canal. This inevitably means a climb is coming. 

Top of a climb. Photos by John, who was of course up first. 
Louise and Kim

Well done Sue. First ride for 5 weeks!

Daphne and Amy up next,

Me and Amanda

My hubby had also come along today, on his roadbike, and sped off after that last climb, to get an extra coffee stop in at Honesty cafe at Inkpen, and would meet us at the garden. 

Passing the impressive West Woodhay House,
 which everyone remembered from last time.  

A quick photo stop in one of the very quiet lanes enroute. 
Daphne, Amanda T, Louise,Rose,Sue,Gill, Amy, Kim, Sandra and me. 

A few more undulations, and we reached Inpken at the junction where last year we had turned right to the cafe. But today a left turn, continuing all the way downhill to St Michael's Church, where the NGS Signage was up ready for us arriving. 

Photo by Daphne. 

photo by Rose. 

Unfortunately the home owner, with whom I have been corresponding by email a few times over previous weeks, got in touch a couple of days ago, to let me know that she wasn't able to there today. However, she said that her housekeeper and gardener would take care of us. How very kind.  We were greeted by Ian, and Doroti came out to welcome us indoors. She had baked delicious cakes too. We had fully expected to be sitting outdoors, but since it was cool, we were very grateful to sit indoors. 

John's photo

The housekeeper was worried about us being cold sitting outdoors, so very kindly had us seated in the kitchen. 

As well as tea/coffee and delicious Brownies and Flapjacks
we were offered a glass of home produced Apple Juice.
(I am not a fan of apple juice, but this was delicious!)

Freshly picked Sweet Peas had a lovely perfume. 

Fed, watered and toileted (😉) we were shown around the several acres of garden by full time gardener, Ian, although we were also free to wander at our own pace, if we preferred. It was an added bonus to get the chance to chat to Ian, so our thanks to him for that.

The front lawn, and borders. 

I also loved the chimneys from the neighbouring property.

A long the border, then we went though a gap ahead into a more
wild part of the garden

Pretty combination of Hemerocallis (Day Lillies) and 
Pink Geranium. John's photo

The White Garden is a spring garden, with snowdrops etc, but this lone Cow Parsley 
and bench, looked charming.

The Lime walk, with some very old specimens.
A huge "Rambling Rector" white rose, climbing up. 

Another area of very successful wild flower meadow.  Ian was able to
offer plenty of advice on how to get one established. 

Pyramid Orchids are very happy here. 

The garden opened up to this incredible view!

The perfect spot for a summer house to enjoy the views. 

Chatting with the gardener.

John's photo

John's photo

Wild Scabious here too. 

And Knapweed, Centaurea.

Amanda had spotted something. 😂
The Boxing Hare Sculpure.

I preferred it from the opposite direction. 

Back into a more formal area, packed with colour, before crossing to the Vegetable
and cut flower garden. 

Sue had decided time for her jacket to go back on. It was a little cool. 

A huge Cotinus (Smoke Bush) on the left. The thatch building
is much older than the house, and used for the garden equipment. Nice shed!

The sweet peas were very happy. 

Rose doing the sniff test. 

Views of the church next door, where we also went for a quick visit.

Photo by John, who had just said "Are we all paying attention..... Rose!" 😂😂😂

We are now!

Time to go, as we had been here for about 90 mins, with so much to see. What a lovely way to spend our morning. 

We dropped to the bottom of the hill, and headed through Cold Harbour and over the cattle grid into Hungerford Park. We crossed the K&A canal once more, and the A4, with the next challenging climb to Upper Denford. Louise reminded me that she trained as a Norland Nannie at Denford College, just beyond the hedge......over 40 years ago!

At last a downhill and flat ride to Welford, but a cheeky little climb at our right turn, continuing all he way to Boxford, where we had a planned stop for a light snack at the The Boxford. ( new cafe by the same owners at The Woodspeen). Very nice, but Louise needed to be back for 4, so Kim, myself John and Louise asked if we could be served first please, and were recommended  a couple of dishes which could be served quickly. Very nice Aranchini and Squid... with a bowl of chips to share.
The others shared a different table, and we left them to relax a bit
longer over lunch. Several had the route. 

A hill to climb out of Boxford!  (Which we knew) Its a tough one, and peaked at 16 % I think.  I was coming to a halt at one point, but we all 4 managed it. Finally a big downhill into Winterbourne village to retrace the next mile or so back to the start. 

A lovely day out, if a little gloomy but we hardly got any rain, which was my main concern. Glad you all enjoyed it. Well done on those hills.