Back from eating and drinking too much on holiday, I needed a good work out, so advertised a Challenging Ride for Breeze this week, with lots of climbs. I was amazed when it immediately filled up! I contacted 3 riders whom I didn't know very well just to reiterate the amount of climbing. Were they up for it? One lady, who is quite new to riding opted out, but Daphne on the waiting list, took her place. Cathy assisted, so we took 6 riders. Our starting point was Checkenden, 9.45, opposite the church.
I took Sandra, Daphne and Clare in the van. We were running a little behind, but arrived bang on 9.45. Phew. We joined Cathy, Lynda (who rides Amersham area), Tracey(not seen her for years!), and Rose. Introductions all done, we headed out of Checkendon, doglegged over the busy A4074, and onto quieter roads around the edge of Woodcote to Greenmoor Hill.
Route link (photo at end of blog)
The first few miles were really easy mostly downhill, and lots of shade from tree cover. Just one little kick UP, before we dropped down the hill passing the Alpaca farm into Whitchurch.
Top of the cheeky little climb, before we turn sharp right, and head down a BIG hill into Whitchurch. |
Crossing the Thames in Whitchurch. |
Such a pretty view of Whitechurch Church, from the bridge. ..... |
... and looking to the Pangbourne side of the river. |
We did a tiny detour, not to buy a Lamborghini..... |
... but to use the public loos opposite the Lamborghini garage😏. |
We now split into 2 groups to climb Pangbourne Hill. I have never done this section, but this was about the only part of the ride I was unfamiliar with. Cathy on her ebike (good idea!) led the first group. Hubby has done it, and warned me of a 17% climb at one part. The first part, was only 7 % so thought I I had misheard him. We turned left into Bere Court Road, and THEN we hit the 17% section. 😂
Everyone made it, and we regrouped as the road flattened out, and where we caught a glimps of Pangbourne College through the hedge.
Views to Pangbourne College part way up Bere Court Road. |
A field of blue flower, I think could be Felicia. |
Recovery time at the top of the climb. Front is Lynda, with Tracey behind, then Clare. |
We crossed over at the Xroads into Dark Lane, and now I am very familiar with the route. All very easy going, on flat, narrow lanes, with just the odd bit of pulling over to allow cars to pass us. Since most had never been in this area, another small detour, to visit Stanford Dingley church.
Daphne's photo of the happy farmer. |
Me, Tracey, Lynda, Sandra, Clare, Rose, Daphne, Cathy. |
Left over the ford, to continue passing the pigs, and straight on passing Frilsham Church.
(My original route was to climb the hill to Frilsham woods
opposite the church, but hubby last night suggested a more gradual approach since we were doing quite a few climbs today.😉 )
Beautiful Cardoons in the Pantry garden.
Not too busy today thankfully, so a table for 8 wasn't a problem. Lots of wasps though. |
We dropped down steeply from Yattendon to Hampstead Norreys. Sadly no sign of poppies again this year. Then we had a long climb out heading to Aldworth. I've done it before of course, on both ebike, and road bike. It does go on a bit! But never too steep (6 - 7% max).
At the top of the climb between Hampstead Norreys and Aldworth. An unnamed road through a woodland section. |
Next a fast downhill, where at the bottom at the Four Points Pub, a very sharp left to climb back up a hill to Aldworth, passing the church and arriving at The Bell pub.
eeek! Downhill section!! |
We are now all spacing out, taking the hill at our own pace, for the 3 mile climb to Woodcote. ( I didn't mention that on the ride!) |
Half way up! We had just passed a combine harvester, making a HUGE amount of dust! |
At the top as we arrived in Woodcote, just a short distance back to Checkenden once more a dogleg over the main road A4074, and we are back. We are all pretty tired, but what a great sense of achievement. Well done ladies! A late lunch by the time I got home at 3.30. 😂