A couple of weeks ago, I drove from Christmas Common, down through Pishill and the entire length of the Stonor Valley. It looked stunning! So, guess where my ride went today?π Thank you to the ladies who joined me, and were up for the challenge, which other than one or two hills, was an easy ride!
I had originally planned to start at Mill Lane, Henley, so that we could finish on a downhill. but having driven to cross at Sonning twice recently, I changed to start at Crazies Hill instead. It added a couple of miles, but not difficult, especially on the way down to the The Thames.
Route link (copy of map at end of blog)
Very nice to welcome Jean back on a Breeze ride after a long break.
I took my Go Pro today, to do a 15x speed Timewarp film, but also got some screen grabs. (will share the film later)
The Horns Pub, was temporarily rebranded as a "Tandoori" restaurant, for a "Mid Sommer Murders" film shoot, so a quick nosy as we passed.
Lights all in place at The Horns Pub, for indoor shoot today, to give the effect of sunlight streaming through the windows. |
A closer look and its a Tandoori Restaurant. |
The first few miles of our ride all very easy on the flat, and then the long downhill on Aston Lane to Hambleden Lock.
on our way to cross the weir at Hambleden Amanda T, Louise, Gill and Sandra and Jean behind
Beautiful reflections today of the boathouse and foliage |
Once across the weir, a quick stop at the loos on Skirmett Road. The Hambleden Valley looking gorgeous. |
This front garden in the village unusually had no washing hanging out today. |
We took the "high road" through Hambleden, and called out "get into low gear!! as we turned the sharp bend to join Pheasants Hill Road.
A cheeky little ascent to join Pheasants Hill Road, then a call from behind "CHAIN OFF" .... which we all ignored since no one wanted to stop on the hill!
We peddled till the road leveled out, and waited for the missing rider, Louise. She eventually called me to say her chain was stuck and she was walking to meet us. It was stuck. It took a bit of pulling around, but eventually I managed to get it back on. But it never recovered properly. Very annoying since its just been for a service. Poor Louise was pretty much stuck with a tiny choice of gears for the rest of the ride, with it jumping without her even touching the gears. But thankfully stuck in easier gears, since we had a hill coming. π |
Video screen grab of the Hambleden Valley as we rejoined the main road through to Skirmett. |
The Valley Road |
We turned left towards Turville, but then left again into Dolesden Lane. It's a long slog of about 5% but ramps up to around 11% just at the point where you are feeling knackered.
Louise pressing ahead on Dolesden Lane, with whatever gears she could get to work. |
I caught up with Gill at the top. First time I have done it! (I now have the same bike as Gill, so was feeling hopeful todayπ) |
And Jean getting to the top. |
Heading into Northend, and cows on the common (with wire fence)
With the bull and cow at Northend. (the cow moved before the 10 second timer took the shotπ) |
2nd attempt without the timer. Jean, Sandra, Louise, Amanda T, Gill. (all second layers now gone) |
On our way to the top at Christmas Common. I was aware of something to my right moving, and spotted a pretty spotted Fallow Deer running alongside us. |
We left Christmas Common and took the road downhill to Pishill, splitting into 3 groups. We only had one car follow us down, and since they held way back, it was some time before we pulled over. It was great fun to not peddle for several miles, but the road surface is a bit uneven, so not tooooo fast. (top speed 24.3mph) (The route was 10 miles of downhill from Christmas Common to Henley)
We pulled off the road for a car to pass at Pishill at The Crown Inn (turns out now it's own by Russell Brand. Is it even a pub now, or a Vegan Restaurant?) |
Stonor Park just around the next corner.We can smell the coffee! |
Why is the gate shut?!!! Damn. There website is not very clear. |
Lots of Stonor deer herd take shelter in the shade under the left hand tree. |
So much for coffee stop at 18 miles at Stonor! There hours are all over the place. Infact Jean said she has never yet found it open. Never mind, all downhill to Henley, and we opted for the Chocolate Cafe on the riverside.
A lovely spot by the river. |
Over the river again, and along Remenham Lane |
Then passed the Flower Pot again, to climb Aston Lane. |
Amanda still smiling. Even after the climb. |
And we're back to Crazies Hill. |
An almost incident free ride, apart from Louise's chain playing up. She managed well, although her legs were spinning too fast on the flat, so she will be tired. Thanks all for your good company. A cracking day to be out. Average Temperature was 22 degrees. π