A few weeks ago, Breeze Champ Fiona Dennis announced that she was going to cover a large section of the Chiltern Cycle Way, in 7 rides over the Spring/Summer months. Each ride about 30 miles. She was asking for support from Breeze Champs who were familiar with various sections of the route. I opted to assist on loops 1 and 2, the more Southern loops, but unfortunately one the dates clashes with school holidays when we had grandkids, so only managed to help out on loop 2. I had improved the route a little from Fiona's original route, knowing some of the prettier, quieter lanes. But no avoiding the first few miles of main road, otherwise the route would have been much longer.
It was COLD (7 degrees) as we met up at Cowlease Woods, just north of Christmas Common. (plenty of spaces). The forecast for later today was 20 degrees, so we were a bit confused about what to wear. Some of us in shorts or 3/4, the majority in long trousers. It was also gloomy, and since I was using my GoPro today for speed and "on the go photos", some of the shots are a little dark (It's much better in sun!)
As well as Fiona and myself, Breeze champ Nicky Mundy also led, so with 9 riders, so we were 12.
Riders Sarah, Theresa, Jo, Nichola. Gill, Beryl, Suzanne, Lynda and Tracey
Getting ready to go at Cowleaze Car Park nr Christmas Common |
I have always had to climb several miles to reach Christmas Common, so it was weird starting at the high point, and rolling downhill most the way to Nettlebed. And cold!
Route link
We split in to 3 pods of riders for the main roads to Nettlebed, regrouping occasionally, then we had our first climb, up to Stoke Row. The beech trees looking gorgeous. I had told the ladies about the sheep on the green at Stoke Row, and we pulled over for minute.
Stoke Row sheep, currently set up for the Coronation, but they change the costumes depending on the news. |
I hadn't noticed the BLACK Sheep before! Think that's new (plenty of contenders for who that might be) |
I then went ahead to capture the ladies under the amazing canopy of the Kingwood, on Stoke Row Road. the road, a fast downhill all the way to Rotherfield Pepperd, where we turned right.
Kingwood, on the edge of Stoke Row |
And now to catch them up and split into 3 pods again. |
The traffic today was noticeably busier than mid week rides I do in this area, but after our right turn in Rotherfield Pepper, we soon turned right into the quiet (potholed) Wyfold Lane. The Bluebells still in evidence, but definitely not as good as a week ago. We turned left from Wyfold to climb up for a stop of the Bluebell patch near the top.
Emmens Lane, nr Checkenden Fiona and the rest of the gang. |
Then Fiona took this one with me. |
Almost at the top, and it levels out now as we do a dogleg through Checkenden, turning into the road around the Equestrian Centre. Then a couple of left turns to ride on the appalling road to Blue Tin farm shop. BUT everyone loved it, so well worth putting up with the road conditions. Fiona had recced this route on Wednesday and MISSED the Blue Tin, so I went up front to make sure she didn't shoot past down the hill.😂
Entrance to The Blue Tin on Garsons Lane. Fiona said she stopped and photographed this view on Wednesday but hadn't noticed the Farm shop sign. 😕 |
It was much busier than mid week, but quick self service. I got the last sausage roll, hoping it would warm me up. (FYI ladies the cafe is only open Wed-Saturday and closes earlier on Saturdays, so always check if you plan to ride in the area.)
We left dropping steeply downhill, which I have never done! (always slogged up the hill!). We stopped as it flattened out for me to point out Rowan Atkinson's house "the garage on the hill" as the locals call it. It's a stunning view, and one which I failed to capture today.Camera on standby! But some of the riders photographed it anyway.
Next right, heading to Ipsden village and a sharp down the up!
Top of the cheeky climb to Ipsden. |
And then it's all flat and downhill for a while across Ipsden. |
The countryside here dramatically changes to open crop fields. Had we carried on this road, we would come into Wallingford, but we turned right, heading to cross the two main roads to Ewelme. We regrouped at one point, and Fiona commented that her gearing was playing up. But we set off once more, and then a shout from behind from Gill who had caught up my group on her ebike, to say that Fiona was now stuck.... turning her peddles but going no where. 😢
Fiona made the decision to walk into Wallingford to get a taxi. What a shame. Nicky and I continued with the group towards Ewelme.
We stopped at the viewpoint before we dropped into Ewelme, and I gave them a short history of the village. |
The old school, and Almshouses in the distance. |
We did a quick loop of the village, to see the Kings Pond, stream and Watercress beds, then parked our bikes at the front entrance to the church. Nicky has been here with me before on a Champs ride, so kindly offered to stay with the bikes. Good news when we came out that Fiona and reached Wallingford.
Between Ewelme and Swyncombe. What a gloomy day!
We're smiling now, but a hill ahead! |
I held back for the rear group, the others now disappeared to climb the hill. |
I made it, using all my gears. As did everyone else, other than one, which is allowed.
View at the top as we regrouped at the Ridgeway path. Swyncombe Church just off to our left here. |
A Ridgeway walker, as the last cyclists unfortunately has a car behind her. |
I had heard at the Blue Tin, that a wedding was talking place today in the Swyncombe blue bell woods. Brrrr. We spotted a couple of Tents but no evidence of the wedding.
And now the hill is much more gradual, but still climbs all the way to the main road. Some lovely bluebells on our left just before the top.
Bluebell haze at the top of Swyncombe Hill.
We split into 2 groups again for the final short section of main road, Nicky leading off, then she waiting for me group as we turned off, and I led the final section back to the start. |
Last lot arriving back to the car park. |
And everyone is safely back. |
Such a shame to not say goodbye and thanks to Fiona, who had already left the car park. So, I shall say a big thank you now on behalf of everyone for organising today's ride, and I wish you all best of luck and warmer weather for the remaining 5 loops. Nice to meet you all. Anne