I invited Cathy to join me today, so we took 6 riders with us, all meeting up at Riseley. (I gave 3 a lift). After several pretty wet days, it was lovely to have a sunny forecast and around 11 degrees, which in the sunshine felt very pleasant. We are mostly in our winter outfits now, but not quite into the boots just yet, and still in finger less gloves.
We climbed Bull Lane, then dropped downhill towards Stratfield Saye, but continued straight over at the first Xroads, into Park Lane, for the gentle climb to join the main Beech Hill/Mortimer Road. We separated here into two groups. We met up again, after we had turned left passed the railway, then right into Mortimer Lane. Quiet lanes now, so we stuck together as we turned into Nightingale Lane. (this avoids climbing through the main Street in Mortimer, with cars following up the hill to the war memorial). There is a lovely view at the top here.
Views from Nightingale Lane, Mortimer. |
Nightingale Lane. Nose blow stop, before the next "undulation". |
A right turn next to join Brewery Common, and where we soon dropped down steeply, followed by the inevitable up hill, as we approached Burghfield.
Approaching Burghfield. Amanda ahead, and this is Kim. |
And the rest of the pack overtake me. |
Through Burghfield and then a right turn into Sulhampstead Road. (We return to this Xroads later from the opposite direction.)
Sulhampstead Church. The light much better as we approached from the other side. |
Sulhampstead Church. Cant get a clear view because of the trees. |
Easy going for a while, as we ride on the flat with views to Reading on our right, then a big downhill to the flat again to ride between Hosehill Lakes, at Sheffield Bottom. Over the high railway bridge in Theale, and then through the wiggling narrow lane through the hamlet of North Street.
Since most ladies today had not ever been to Englefield, we crossed over the main road into the village, intending to come out again to go to Cobbs Farm Shop for coffee, just a few hundred yards away. But as we passed the village store, an A board was advertising CAFE OPEN (Mon, Wed and Fridays). We would check that out in a minute! (I have been before pre Covid, then it closed. I have contacted them a few times, and they had decided not to reopen... but they obviously changed their mind.)
Magnificent Cedar tree dwarfs the church beyond. |
Englefield Selfie me, Linda, Cathy, Amanda T, Louise, Kim, Amanda O, Sandra |
I ran into the teashop to check if they could accomodate 8? It was full inside, but there is now a marquee with tables/chairs. It looked fine, but with just one lady serving as far as I could tell, we could have had a long wait. (they also cook breakfasts etc, so it can hold things up.) We decided to stick to plan A and go to Cobbs.
Ground clearance at Bottom Lane next to Hosehill Lakes. |
Next the climb to get back to the XRoads at Sulhampstead.(where we had passed the church).Then a couple of right turns on quiet lanes to eventually join the fast, straight section of the Burghfield Road. Time for 2 groups again, then back to one as we rode under the pretty tree tunnels on Rampstons Lane, approaching Mortimer West End.
Rampstons Lane, Mortimer West End |
Cathy led the first group dropping down Church Lane, then the climb up to Silchester. A couple of ladies passed me on the way up. Well done team. We liaised in Wall Lane, Silchester.
Wall Lane Silchester, back on the flat. |
View from Clappers Farm Road, Silchester |
We dropped down Clappers Farm Road, then over the railway bridge to climb up again on Park Lane. Then into Green Lane, West End Green. I had been aware of a creaking noise on my bike for the last couple of rides and it had got worse today. I also wondered if something was rubbing? I pulled over, pulled my mudgaurd to the side, then back on my bike. Problem solved!😆 That saved a trip to the bike shop this afternoon.
Almost back, as we peddled on New Street around the edges of Statfield Saye estate. Suddenly a huge flood infront of us. But not to worry, this happens every winter here.
"Follow me! Stick to the middle and you will be fine!"
Except that, I was very committed, as a huge 4x4 came towards me round the bend, and I had no option but to move the the right out of his path.... and dropped into a hole, up to my knees. I might have called "oh shit" or words to that effect. I was just soooo glad that I had not fallen off, but did had to get off my bike and walk through the flood, stepping back up a BIG step to get back to road level. The car of course didn't stop. I waved the others through with strict instruction not to go where I had gone! A second flood a few yards further on. I do wish this would get sorted since it is a problem every time we have lots of rain.
I was absolutely soaked, with squelching feet, and wet trousers up to my knees. But thankfully just 2 miles to go. After that incident, I decided not to ride around the messy Barge Lane, and we climbed via Welsh Lane, which we had earlier enjoyed whizzing down. Not so whizzy on the way up. 😏
Everyone seemed to enjoy discovering some new territory once more, so thank you all for a lovely morning out. Next time, I won't offer to go first through the flood!