Four of the WLCG were free today, and a request from Andrea to go Pondwood Fisheries for a cuppa, since she had never been. (Neither had Louise). It's located near White Waltham, so we needed to put some miles in before we reached there. The schools are now on their summer break, but Martina managed a pass out, since 2 of her kids were all sorted with friends. 😊
First, we headed across Wokingham to pass Ludrove School. I noticed the little "houses" for the Pheasants were all bunched together, with no signs of the birds this year. The straw colour of the grass is a telling sign of midsummer, and the lack of rain we have had, as well as soaring temperatures of late.
No Pheasants this year at the farm near Ludgrove School. |
At the Easthampstead Road junction, we turned right as far as the bend in the road, then took off in the track called Holme Green Lane. A few sizable pot holes to look out for! A left turn at the end to climb over the new railway bridge and into William Heelas Way. Then, since we don't use it very often, a cut through on Plough Lane to join Binfield Road.
Our usual route dropping down to pass Binfield Church, and the football club, but today we turned left where we normally join Stubbs Hill, and instead rode along Hill Farm Lane, passed the Archery Place. (called Bowmen of Warfield). I've only done this in the opposite direction, and it was easier on the rougher section, since a bit more downhill.
Emerging opposite Billingbear Road, a right turn, and a short climb now to Howe Lane. We were heading for Paley Street, where we turned left into the street called Paley Street, and near the top spotted this pretty building.
Paley Street, in Paley Street, just before we cross the pedestrian bridge over the M4. Andrea, Louise and Martina out today. |
Over the M4, on Snowball Hill. This is WHEAT. (lesson from the farmers' daughters!) |
And this is BARLEY, with it's whiskers or "Beards." |
Whatever this was, is now harvested. |
Photo stop as we near Woodlands Park Road, White Waltham |
A wiggle through to Breadcroft Lane, and then into the Knowl Hill Bridal path across the first crop field. Then at the end of the first field, we turned right on Westacott Way, to cross the A4 at a roundabout, and into Burchetts Green Lane. (we used the little backroad, and also the footpath to avoid actually riding on the A4, but its only about 100 yards anyway. Lynne has shown me this a while back.) At the top of the climb, we then turned almost back on ourselves, into Green Lane, and to eventually cross back over the A4, straight into Littewick Green.
Once through Littlewick Green, we rejoined the Knowl Hill Bridal path,which completely confused some of the ladies.😉 |
We now turned left on Bottle Lane. The sky a bit threatening looking to the right. |
Cutting through Shottesbrooke, these sheep were not keen on us getting too close. |
They were reaching for the fresh leaves, since the grass is parched. |
Shottesbrook Park |
The sheep were amongst the ducks at the edge of the lake. |
Straining their necks to get a drink. (We also saw a lamb suckling it's mother at the same time as she was drinking water.) |
A dogleft left and first right once we were through the park, into Smewins Road, and soon we were at the fisheries. 20 miles in to our ride.
Pondwood Fisheries, White Waltham |
Bullrushes, and purple Loosestrife along the lakeside. |

Our visit was not an entire success, as they had no special teas, or decaff coffee, so Louise lost out. Also, the only two outdoor tables were in use, so we sat on a sleeper wall until a table eventually became free. And, there was an infestation of flies at the entrance today, which also got into the toilets. I didn't use the loo, but a man was loathed to close the door of the gents.... no wonder. Not very nice.
I was browing the fisheries website last night, and it dates back to 1660. There are now 4 lakes. Info here if anyone interested.
History of Pondwood
I am always still amazed that some of the ladies don't know where we are. There is nothing new to do any more, but I managed to put together a ride that they enjoyed thinking some of it WAS new, at times anyway. So easily pleased. 😂
Andrea and Louise came to mine this afternoon for a Garmin training session. Louise needed some insight into how to make the most of hers, and Andrea still on the verge of buying a device, favoring a Wahoo, but the process is just the same.
Thanks for your company, and hope the others reading this are enjoying their holidays today.