It's Monday. I don't normally offer a Breeze Ride on a Monday. But the Open Garden at Rotherwick, which I took a group to last year, is open this afternoon, so I had planned an afternoon Breeze Ride. However, we are in the middle of a heat wave, so changed the plans yesterday to set off at 9.30 instead, since it's just too hot by mid day. Almost 30degrees.
It was a shame that one lady who had signed up had to cancel, but it gave Beth the chance to join from the waiting list. Beth did her first ride just last week with Sue, to Shinfield. I also met Cathy W today for the first time, so it was very nice to introduce them to the other riders who today were Linda B, Sue C, and Hazel.
We left FBC at the same time as a U3A group led by Cathy, and allowed them to get ahead of us before we joined Nine Mile Ride. (Nice to see Barbara back on her bike.)
We took the cycle path through Hogwood, and soon started our climb on Church Lane Farley Hill. We stayed on Church Lane, turning right at the top on Castle Road, to then turn left at the XRoads to drop downhill. A second U3A group arrived at the X roads at the same time, so we shot on ahead, to join the road into Swallowfield.
With a few cars behind us, our group pulled over just beyond the bridge, and once the traffic passed, so did both of the U3A groups. That was the last we saw of them.
We continued to join Charlton Lane, then Kingsbridge Hill to the green bridge, where we stopped for a photo.
Camera balanced on the bridge. Purple hues in the background. |
The purple crop looks too tall for Flax, so it might be Fiddleneck. |
Up to the top to Spencers Wood, then the big downhill, crossing the A33 on our way to Beech Hill where we pulled over in some shade for a quick slurp.
A day for lots of water. At Beech Hill. |
All very easy going now around the edges of Strafield Saye and a chance for an action shot on the quiet lanes.
Cathy out front. |
Sue, Hazel, Beth and Linda on Great Dover Street. |
We managed to get a table with full shade at The Coffee Shop, SOLoddon. I also had a cake! 😋I've done 3 cycle holidays in the last 4 weeks, and have never been able to find any cake shops!
After refreshments, and topping up of water bottles, our return route wa via Hartley Wespal to Rotherwick. We split into 2 groups to climb up to Rotherwick, where there seemed to be more cars/van than normal. The first group pulled in after the left turn into The Street, Rotherwick, whilst the second lot shot past. (Who had not being paying attention?😅) We spotted them and soon they turned back.
The NGS signs up for the open garden for this afternoon as we passed, but I suspect in this heat, not many will make the effort to visit, which is a shame. We crossed to Mattingley Church, where I stopped for a couple of photos, whilst the others peddle up to the Shoulder of Mutton. The work there continues, but it must be nearing completion by now.
Top of Plough Lane. We all love it really. |
Some welcome shade as we peddle to the end of Bramshill, near Eversley Mill. |
Action at the ford today. The canoe had been used, and this dog turned up, to wade through. |
Rush hour. Because of nettles, we walked across today, and these very gentlemanly cyclists waited patiently for us. |
The dog making his way across to where a parked car is the end of his walk. |
A suggestion from Sue that we cut across the off road bit on Park Lane, along the back of Nine Mile Ride, but boy was it dusty! My legs were filthy, with the dust sticking to my sun cream.
We finished around 1ish, by which time it was close to 30 degrees and time for a lazy afternoon. Thanks for your company ladies. It was very pleasant whilst moving and under the tree shade, but time to head indoors now. A few of you off now on holidays, so I hope you enjoy them, and will see you for another Breeze ride soon.