Several weeks ago, I got in touch with the garden owner of "Foxington" in Britwell, who opens her garden for private groups of 10+ through the NGS. The few photos I saw on the NGS website looked interesting, mostly due to the amazing views which this property enjoys, at the bottom of Britwell Hill. And it's always nice to have a different place for tea and cake of course.
Rather than organise a Wednesday Breeze group ride, I asked the Friday WLCG, if they were interested? (We always need to be back for School pick up, but keeping the route to 25 miles, we would be back in good time.) Unusually, they could ALL come! That rarely happens! So were seven, then with invitations to a few other friends, some of who were on holiday, we were to be 13. Mary, the owner asks for prepayment, so regardless of weather.... we were going. Sadly, photography friend Julie had Covid and felt too unwell, and Louise was also unable to come at the last minute. So we all cycled and Brenda drove to meet us there.
In several cars, we all met initially at Checkenden Car park, opposite the church.
A gradual easy ascent through Nuffield and Huntercombe as we climbed towards Christmas Common. Then a left turn and soon we were at the highest point. Only a few had been before. It's a fabulous hill with amazing views. We paused at the top for me to get ahead with my camera. (although John and Dave were ahead of us).
Britwell Hill |
It's not often the Garmin profile is THIS steep! |
Martina, Linda, Lynne and Cathy first group to head down. |
there they go. |
Followed by Gill.... |
Jeanette... |
and Andrea. |
At the bottom, the garden is just on the right called Foxington.
And John took a few as he waited at the bottom... where we arrived in a different order to those who left the top.😊
Brenda arriving in her red car, which looks tiny in the BIG landscape. |
Our hostess, Mary Roadnight, welcomed us, and handed out a leaflet about the garden, including a full planting list. (the garden designed in 1980 by Sarah Massey, a local designer.) It's been her family farm for many years, and her mother used to live in a neighbouring property. Now 350 acres, and up over the Chiltern Hills. Just arable now, and run by a farm manager.
The tea ladies, who help out when the garden is open. Lovely cakes ladies. |
The white doves. Mary started by catching a few, and their "friends" moved in too.😊 They breed all year round. The left Dovecote can be lowered using a handle, and the sides taken off for cleaning. |
Photo by Brenda of all the cyclists. |
A fabulous spot for our teas. |
Cheers Brenda. John chatting to the owner. |
Because of the clouds blowing through, the light on the landscaped changed by the second. |
That's the hill we cycled down. |
Verbena Bonariensis. A great tall plant but which takes up no space. Almost as tall as Lynne. And the Stipa Tennuissima grasses were swaying the breeze. |
Mary explained that the original driveway was moved out 30 metres, to allow space between house and drive, and where this wild grass section sits beautifully into the natural landscape. |
Hebe and Heathers give good evergreen structure, and the bright pink Dianthus carthusianorum adds a wonderful punctuation of colour. |
not necessarily facing the correct way. |
Jeanette, Linda and Lynne |
Stipa Tennuissima grasses, with Nepeta "Walkers Low." |
The main grass looking rather parched now. We need more rain. But not in the next 2 hours please! |
John testing Dave. Name that plant. |
Thyme adding a great punch of colour in the gravel garden. Shame the Iris are finished. But the upright foliage adding good verticals. |
Martina's pink jacket looks great with the dark purple Salvia Amistad |
With Box blight a huge problem, this low hedge of Euonymous Emerald Gaiety works really well as a path edger. |
The "back garden" area. Structure from acid yellow Euphorbia sub. Wulfenii, Spires of Acanthus, and bright pink Salvia. |
White Acanthus variety, with a splash of red from Roses behind. |
These acanthus, are Acanthus Spinosa |
Not good focus, as these Astrantia were blowing in the wind! |
The summerhouse a new addition, after an old Apple tree came downin storms recently. Some gaps for now, but plans to fill in around the summerhouse soon.
Bright blue Aconitum towering over the carpet of Geraniums. |
Massey Ferguson tractor, ideal parking for Mr Massey's bike.😉 |
And finally, a stroll through a wild meadow area to the woods. |
Brenda enjoying the views. |
Scabious amongst the wildflower meadow. |
Time to go. |
With darkening skies, we did a short section of the busy B4009, before a right turn into quiet lanes, and headed now for a loop around the pretty villages of Britwell Upperton, and Britwell Baldon to Chalgrove. I was slightly surprised that following my Garmin route, we took a left fork onto a gravel drive.... I planned this route, and I have never ridden on a gravel drive here before. John was a bit ahead, and following the same route. I asked him later if he had been on this section before, which becomes a concrete drive through a farm? He said no, but assumed I had found a new lane around here. (he knows them ALL).
Quite amusing then that when I plotted the route, I hadn't noticed that my Garmin had made a decision for me that I hadn't spotted. It was lovely! It is a private road, but called a bridleway, and two cyclists came the opposite way, so obviously it's ok to use. But not for vehicles. Thank you Garmin.😂 We emerged through a small open gate, and soon turned right onto Berrick Road, then left into Chalgrove High Street. Ah... so this is where we are!
A loop then through Berrick Prior, Berrick Salome and Roke, to dogleg over the B4009 once more, then another dogleg to drop down into Ewelme. Its all been too easy so far, so our legs felt the hill as we climbed Days Lane out of Ewelme. No sign of John and Dave but Linda, Cathy and Lynne were waiting for us to catch them up. Easy going now for a couple of miles, until the cheeky climb from Ipsden, where a left turn leads to the Blue Tin farmshop. Straight on until we have no choice but to turn left, and now on Bottom Lane, we struggle back up to Checkendon. Great effort ladies!
Thanks all for joining me today, also to Mary who I am copying on this, for sharing your lovely garden with us. Top marks to your garden designer (from a retired garden designer). A beautiful layout, which is very well suited to the location.