A couple of days ago, a google search on "What's happening in Windsor for the Jubilee", and I spotted that a flotilla led by the Royal Barge Gloriana, would be sailing from Bovney Lock to Staines, passing through Windsor mid morning. I suggested to John that we should go and observe, and also invited Daphne and Gill. Unfortunately, John wasn't well yesterday, so I suggested he stay home and rest, so just the 3 girls went.
We drove in our van to Locks Ride Recreation Ground car par, Winkfield, which was 10 miles to ride to Windsor, arriving about 10.30. A tiny bit of drizzle as we drove to the start, but feeling positive, jackets off for the ride to Windsor (apart from Gill who was cold.)
Daphne brought a Union Jack "cape" .
We initially turned right to Locks Ride, then a left turn after about about half a mile, into the offroad and well named Sandy Lane, to connect to the Kennel Avenue, and into Ascot Race Course. Once through the racecourse, battling against a head wind, we dropped down Watersplash Lane, and into Windsor Great Park. I had flags on my head at the start, and several people we passed commented on how much they liked my head gear. Shame that by the time we got to Windsor Park, I had lost the flags, and was left with two white sticks instead!
At a junction in the park, my Garmin instructed a left turn, and although I wasn't convinced this was what I had planned, it wasn't a disaster, but it was uphill. It brought us passed the horse statue, and a look down the Long Walk to Castle... a dot in the distance at this point.
The Castle, a dot in the distance down The Long Walk. We would be there later. |
Long grasses, picking up the pinkish tones of the Royal House. |
Leaving the Great Park, we crossed the road to use the cycle track all the way into Windsor. The wild flowers looking pretty.
Cycle path from the Great Park, to Windsor. Castle still a long way in the distance. |
I had been to Windsor on Wednesday with grandchildren Jack and Holly, and had a drink at a booth on the riverside. This is where I planned to stop, if no crowds were already there. We got a clear river view and were able to see both down steam, and upstream to Eton Bridge. It was chilly, so jackets went on. Gill had brought a flask of tea and Daphne patiently waited in the queue for tea a coffee for both of us.
Gill was well prepared with her hot flask, and birthday present cup.😊 |
We had arrived at 10.30, as planned, and so had half an hour or so to wait, although there was plenty of activity on the river to pass the time.
Steam boat passing ahead of the flotilla. |
Everyone else dressed in dark "winter jackets". Can spot Gill and Daphne easily. |
Dragon boat heading the wrong way. Were they late to join the flotilla? |
Also heading the wrong way. |
Crowd now on the opposite bank, and in the distance, busy on Eton Bridge too. |
The "Duck" boat passengers got a bonus today, as they hung about for the flotilla to arrive. |
At 11.20ish, several barges with Union Jack flags passed us |
And at last, a sighting of the gold of Gloriana. |
Baby up front! |
It was very slow moving, so plenty of opportunity for photos. |
No Royals aboard today, but local dignitaries. |
Some fun headgear on the smaller boats. |
This one wearing a gold crown. |
The geese were not at all fussed about all the fuss. 😊 |
Where's Wally! |
And bringing up the rear, the school boys boats. (One proud Mum alongside us) |
The crowd behind us. |
This canoeist got a big cheer. A brave man amongst all these boats! |
We moved our bikes up towards Eton Bridge, where everything had come to a halt, as Gloriana had to lower the flag to get under the bridge. |
We had time to move again onto Eton Bridge |
The smaller craft rowers, standing to salute. Bit wobbly! |
Safely under the bridge............ |
... so the flag can go back in place. |
Since we were here, we decided to take a look in the town, so peddled up passing the castle, and down the side road leading to the Long Walk, ringing our bells a lot!
Jubilee River Path. |
From memory, I think we passed no more than 3 or bikes the entire journey along the Riverside. When I was here a few days ago, the pedestrian bridge from Dorney to Monkey Island was closed, and we had to detour about a mile on a new cycle path to cross the Thames right next to the M4. So, at least today I was prepared for this, doing the route in reverse.
When we got to Monkey Island Lane, the barrier which on Wednesday had been blocking the route to the pedestrian bridge had been removed! So it was open today. Never mind. We were here now. From Monkey Island Lane, we crossed the main road into Fifield, continuing straight with a climb up to Drift Road. About half a mile (all downhill), we screeched to a halt to join the tiny narrow path, Hogoak Lane, which would eventually widen to take us to Nuptown (near Ferneygrove Farm Shop). Thankfully, although it was quite overgrown, there was very few nettles, so it was fine.
The final leg was on Malt Hill, ignoring the turn to Warfield Church, and at the main Bracknell Road, straight across into Hayley Green. This is the junction with Forrest Road, and within about half a mile, we are back to the start.
A great morning out. Thankyou Gill and Daphne for joining me.