A few weeks ago, whilst browsing the National Garden Scheme (NGS) site, I was on the look out for gardens which opened mid-week for private groups. I got in touch with Alison, the owner at this garden, and booked in for April 6th for a mid morning visit. To make it worth while, our group size was to be min 15 but up to 40. With 3 other Breeze Champs available to assist, the ride for 20 ladies quickly filled up. As is always the case, a few last minute cancellations, but as of last night, we were 17 riders, plus 4 Champs, with Daphne driving.... and my hubby meeting up with us there. BUT the forecast was rubbish!!
One lady cancelled yesterday due to weather forecast, and before others did the same, I gave them the choice of driving there for 11ish, or riding with us at 9.30. We had to go.... the owners had catered for us. Cake had to be consumed!😋
When I got up this morning, it was chucking it down. Oh dear. But, at 08.30, it stopped. And no one had got in touch to say they were driving. (other than Linda C who felt a little under the weather, possibly jet lag. So she did drive.) We all met up in the puddles at Cantley, at 9.20 dressed in our wet weather jackets. Very nice to meet Jessica, Deborah, and Vicki.
I had organised the ladies into groups so that each champ had an odd number of riders with them, so that we could ride in pairs. So, some were in a groups of 4, and one group was 6. We left Cantley about half a mile apart.
(I have had a nightmare writing this blog this afternoon. Goodness knows what was going on, but I could not import photos the way I always have done. Some did not import at all, some twice, some three times. And the text size is all over the place. Not how I wrote it, but how it turned out.😟
Cantley meeting point. Wet roads, but it's not raining. |
I missed Cathy's group leaving, Two Amanda's and Louise. Sue took this group next Debbie, Deborah and Linda B. |
Jill's group left 3rd. Denise, Julie, Gill, Hazel, Jessica and Jill. |
My group last to set off, with Kathy, Sandra and Vicki. I had offered to go last, incase any other group had a puncture problem, and I could maybe offer to help (I find that hilarious btw, but I am more capable than some.😉😇) Fingers crossed.
We headed over the two motorways out of Wokingham, through Hurst Lanes, and then towards Shurlock Row on the Straight Mile. (photo here in Hurst Lanes.) |
We spotted group 3 ahead as we turned in the Straight Mile, so slowed up a bit, to let them get ahead. Then into Darvel's Lane, where at the next junction we came across this! Linda B, with puncture, with my hubby to the rescue. John was riding without us, or so I thought, so it was fortunate ( for me) that he happened to be passing at just the right moment, otherwise I would have been the one fixing Linda's puncture. She is very grateful, btw. We agreed no point my group hanging about, so we left them to it.

From Shurlock Row to White Waltham, then left at the cricket pitch into Butchers Lane. A beautiful scene of Rape crop as we crossed the railway line, and I have cheated here, since I took this photo on my recce ride on Saturday.
Saturday's photo on Bottle Lane. Will brilliant blue skies and puffy clouds. |
We then turned into the track of Knowl Hill Circuit, and several ladies today said they had not been across here before. I thought everyone had done this route with me by now. The crops across here are still getting going, so not sure what they are, but some kind of cereal crop I expect, But with some rape crop in the distance too as we round the bend.
views from Knowl Hill circuit leaving Bottle Lane. |
Next, we used Breadcroft Lane to cut through to White Waltham, and on the busier road now, Canon Lane, to ride mostly uphill towards the A4. A cycle path approaching the corner, allows a safer route around the A4 roundabout, to cross at pedestrian lights. Into Newlands Drive and a wiggle through a few streets to emerge at Pinkney Green facing the cricket pitch. (also took this photo on Saturday)
Pinkneys Green Cricket Pitch, where we turned right. |
A turn soon into Winterhill Road, a slight rise, and we caught up with Jill's Group, but also John appeared behind us.... without Linda B. Couldn't believe when he told me that her back wheel puncture was fixed, then a mile later, her front tyre also got one. John offered to fix it, but she said no.... and called her "taxi" ie hubby. Such a shame.
Come and get me Andy! Second puncture. |
Left into Golden Ball Lane, and then left at the next junction, with the driveway to our garden visit on our right.
Cathy playing hostess at the beautiful house.
We opened our garden for many years for various Charities, but never did we have our visitors indoors. So once again Robert and Alison, when you read this, thankyou so much for making us feel so welcome. You not only have a beautiful garden, but also a beautiful home.
host Robert slicing some of the amazing cakes. We split into groups in a couple of spaces for our refreshments.
Then into the sitting room for presentation of the history of the house and garden. |
Alison gave us a presentation via her TV Screen. We would enjoy the Snakes Head Fritillaria in the garden too.
The site layout. |
the main feature this time of year "The spring garden" was accessed across the tennis court.
John with Daphne heading from the house to the tennis court |
Ribes Sanguineum or Flowering currant. |
Hazel admiring the Snakes Head Fritillaria and Hellebore Orientallis. There were also Corsican Hellebore in the garden. |
I dont usually like "double flowers" but this one is lovely (I looked it up and think it's called Narcissus Tahiti) |
John had the company of host Robert on his walk through the garden |
Hazel |
This area filled with Primula Vulgaris, Hellebore and daffs. |
Zingy yellow Eurphorbia probably self seeded. I have loads too. Love the acid green colour. |
Photo from Hazel of me with Sandra
Pulmonaria in the foreground. Bees love them. I chop them all back as soon as the flowers fade, foliage included, and they then have fresh leaves all summer.
I loved this log pile, doubling up as a dividing wall. |
The gardener (Marrick ?) Gill and I discussed this Euphorbia Mellifera, aka Honey Spurge, with its organge "bracts". The scent of honey very evident. I also have this at home, buts its a bit leggy on my clay soil. This one very happy. |
Raindrops on Euphorbia Mellifera. Photo by John. |
Robert's recommendation for the Box Moth which devastated many Box Plants last summer. (Different to Box Blite.... This caterpillar strips the plants in no time. I had it last year, so am hoping my plants recover, and will try this insecticide this year. Thanks for the tip. |
The area to the left is very much a summer border, and with this impressive hedge between garden and fields beyond...... but also with this amazing view...
Back Left to Right. Photo by John
Gill, Debbie, Linda C, Julie, Louise, Amanda T, Kathy, Sandra, Amanda O, Deborah
Jessica, Vicki, Hazel, Denise, Daphne.
Front, the Champs. Cathy, Jill, Sue, myself.
And with our hosts.
Thank you for such an enjoyable visit. And hope your next visit of 40 this afternoon went well.
Our return route, mixing up groups, was down the pretty Lee Lane to Pinkneys Drive and skirting the edge of the common once more. Pretty windy by now! Then over the A404 and into the quiet Burchetts Green and Littlewick Green. A small section of repetition as we used the crops field track once more, crossing a dogleg over Bottle Lane, into the track all the way to Waltham St Lawrence. It had been perfectly dry here on Saturday, and even after some rain, it was fine today. It follows along the edge of a huge Rape crop field, where on Saturday, the champs had a quick photo stop.
Sunshine on Saturday. Not so lucky today, but it stayed dry. |
From WSL, back to Hurst then over the motorways once more to Cantley. My team, who left 3rd, came back first 😊 Well done ladies. But the others soon arrived all within a few minutes behind us. Just made it home in time before the heavens opened with thunder too. Phew!