Breeze Jock's Lane to Windsor Marina - 28 miles

Sue P qualified as a Breeze champ recently, so today was my assistant for the first time. (until such times as Sue gets her first aid certification, she cannot lead.)  When I loaded the ride, I miscalculated the numbers, and since it booked up pretty quickly, it was too late to change it! I realised there would be an odd number.... so I added another place. So we were 10, instead of 8.

Since the ride was to be 28 miles from Jocks Lane, Bracknell, I assumed some would drive to the start, but not many did. No stopping these ladies who seem to want to do 30+ miles now.   I suggested a couple of meeting points if anyone wanted to ride together to the start. That turned out to be a disaster, since my meeting point of "Bottom end of Diamond Jubilee Way", was misinterpreted. I was waiting for two ladies, who didn't ever appear, so I then dashed, a little late,  to the next meeting point at the "Oakingham Bell", only to find that they were all there waiting for me! That is also Diamond Jubilee Way, but what I would call "the TOP end" , or simply "Oakingham Bell". (lesson learned). With a very brief hello and welcome to Sandra, we got a wiggle on to get to Jocks Lane for 9.32.

As we arrived, I Linda R was pumping up her tyre. She had a puncture, and for some reason the valve was not working, so she was collected before she even started! 😔 And so now we were an uneven 9 again. Very nice to see Nicola and also Rose H, both of whom I have not seen for ages. 

Planned route without data

I had only ridden the first section in the opposite direction, and stupidly missed the tiny cut through as you leave the car park. Never mind.  Pleasant enough to ride alongside the stream... but just not the correct way today. 😁 Soon back on track, a few ladies puffed up the cycle track to Cabbage Hill. This was to be a very flat ride, with this one exception. Since a few had never been here before, we did a loop passing the sculpture to the highest point on Cabbage Hill. Great views on this cloudless day. 

Leaving the housing behind, we passed Warfield Church, then left on Malt Hill to Maidensgreen, following much of the route we would use to the Fishing Lake Cafe. It was about this time that I noticed my Garmin was not giving me any directions. I knew 99% of this route, but was going to struggle nearer to Windsor through the backstreets. So I stopped my route and restarted it. Thankfully it was now working perfectly, except that I realised many miles later than I forgot to press "Start".  (so did not record the middle section. ) It's going well so far today!

We split into two groups several times today, on any main roads, and regrouped as we got close to Dedworth area of Windsor, since I needed Sue in sight to follow me through the back roads to our tea stop at the Marina. (She doesn't have a route navigation device....yet!)

Parking up at the Marina

I had reserved a table to 10 of us, but they had reserved it indoors. Who wants to sit indoors on a day like this? It was 19 degrees.  But they don't serve outdoors at this time of day, however agreed that we could order and pay inside, then sit upstairs on the terrace. It was beautiful. Not been up there before.

They don't serve cakes here, which I knew, so Louise had very kindly brought a supply of home made
flapjacks for ALL of us. So kind, and very tasty with coconut and dates in the mix. Thank you. 

Nicola, and Sandra at the front
Rose H, Me, Louise, Hazel, Sue P, Barbara, Sue C.

The coffee froth was too good to leave.

Sue scraping out the froth. 

Getting ready for part two of our ride, a slightly longer second half, but very easy. 

We used a cycle path for half a mile or so, then a left turn, then right here
to go under the flyover,  and joined the riverside in Windsor. 

Once over Eton bridge, and on Meadow Lane, we turned off to follow the line of the railway arches to pick up the Jubilee River path, and to those really annoying gates. 

Jubilee River cycle path with it's annoying barriers, which are not bike friendly at all.

That's a good idea!

Louise and Nicola, with Rose behind

Sue P, Hazel


Sandra and Sue C.

Had most of this route to ourselves today. 

We left the Jubilee Path at Dorney. Beautiful blossoms as we cut through to the footbridge

Bridge to Monkey Island Lane.

Photo by Hazel as I catch them up. 

I was last over the bridge, stopping to take the above photo, and was amused that when I caught up with them, on Monkey Island Lane, all the bikes were facing the wrong direction. 😂. Follow me! 

Through Bray, where Sue requested a few minutes for her sandwich....
where could we go? I  know.....

Sue  having her snack at The Waterside Inn. 

Willow at The Waterside Inn, Bray.

From Bray, to Holyport, then to Paley Street in two groups, which actually spread out to 3 groups as we went along Howe Lane, giving the traffic plenty space to pass. We turned left into Westley Mill road.  With a bit of a gap, Barbara had not noticed the left turn, and a clash between two riders as they turned the left corner, unfortunately resulted in poor Barbara coming off, landing heavily. She sat for a few minutes, clearly in pain. After a few minutes, she said she was ok to get back on her bike. 

I gave it a quick test drive to make sure all working ok.  But as she climbed on, she realised that she couldn't put any pressure on her left hand, and her arm was very sore. A phone call to her son, who came came to collect her and her bike. 

Myself and Nicola stayed with her, whilst the rest of the group set off with Sue, and happy that they would find there way, just a couple of miles, back to the start via Ryehurst Lane. (I got a message to say they had all arrived safely. Thanks ladies. )

As I write this, at 5.15 I have just heard from Barbara that she has at last had an Xray, but now waiting for results. 

7.30pm and Barbara finally got home, with her wrist in a splint. Poor Barbara. Despite this, her message said how much she enjoyed the ride. What an amazing lady she is. 😘. Our group have all been in touch via the Lets Ride website and sent Barbara messages wishing her a speedy recovery, but it will be some time before she will be back on her bike.