Wargrave via Charvil - 22 miles

A Friday ride with WLCG was delayed until 11 am today, because of rain forecasts. Martina was off to help on a school trip today, so we were 4.  Jeanette is a bit under par atm, so we kept the ride flat where possible, and headed to Wargrave after meeting Gill at home. 


Lynne suggested to detour to see "the reindeer" (what?) on the A4 just passed Loddon Drive, at a farm shop called The Egg Shed. The rest of us never heard of it, so detour it was.

There were 8 in total, and used for educational purposes.

The farmer feeding Hamlet and Percy the pigs
who moved too fast for my camera to focus.😁
Should have had it on sports mode.

The Alpacas, known as The Royals

The honesty Egg Shop. Just leave cash.

Retracing a little along the A4, we rode on Loddon Drive, where we pulled over to allow a range rover through. Jeanette was sure it was Johnny Depp .😂

Beautiful weather now along Loddon Drive, into Wargrave

Loddon Drive, crossing the River Loddon

Wargrave Church

Since we had been to The Cwtch cafe recently, we voted for H'Artisan today, to sit in the courtyard, which would also be more sheltered from today's gusty wind. Just as our food arrive, a few raindrops started, so we moved inside. Lovely lunch of soup, wraps and salads.

Gill opted for a pasty, with a fancy hot chocolate

Rain meant that we moved indoors to sit next to the bike rack.
The cafe pretty busy over the lunch period.

For our return trip, we planned the least worst hill out of Wargrave via Braybrooke Road. Rain again! 

Jackets on again on Braybrooke Road

Then a left and soon right into Victoria Road,  to join Blakes Road and across the A4 on Tags Lane. Since I had ridden through Ruscombe on Wednesday, we continued straight on over Milley Bridge to Waltham St Lawrence. We had to stop for a few minutes for what seemed like hundreds of school kids crossing the road, on their way to Harvest Festival at the Church. Now across to join Sillbridge Road, and Plough Lane, where I spotted this crop with white flowers. Not sure what it is .... but probably potatoes. 

Potato crop? Loved the angle of the trees behind growing at different rates

We cut through the lanes to Hurst and up the hill to the Castle Pub. Since it was now such a lovely day, I suggested another tea stop at Dinton, and Gill offered to do us tea in her garden instead. Lynne's son was being collected at school, so no rush! What a tough life we have😁. So up Sandford Lane for the second time today.

Tea and homemade fruit and nut snacks in Gill's garden.
Perfect end to our trip.

Many thanks Gill. All downhill now to get home. See you all again soon.