A Monday ride, yesterday, with John, Dave, and Linda B. (Daphne wasn't free, but she would have loved the villages, so need to do it again sometime.) The first part of this route from Ewelme, was a section that John and I rode a few weeks ago for tea at Waterperry Gardens. Infact, I am riding again next week with friends, to actually go and enjoy the garden this time. So today, was new ground for 3 of us, but John has done a recce of this route just last week, and enjoyed it.
A beautiful sunny day and first priority in Ewelme, was to check if the only public loo in the village at the Almshouses, which has been closed since Covid, has reopened? Result... and it's been newly fitted out too. I was amazed that Linda has not been here before, so as John and Dave set off, we spent a few minutes at the Almshouses.
The old school, and Almshouse gardens |
This house opposite the school, always impresses |
We were heading to Chalgrove, and then a short section on the B480, turning right to Little Haseley. It's all very flat and open, and although the weather seemed calm, a wind came from no where at times, so we had to work harder than expected. We caught up with the boys in Little Haseley.
On our right in Little Haseley |
Continuing to Great Hazeley, once past the impressive house which is well hidden with it's clever clipped hedging, we turn left in the village centre. A nice fast downhill for a bit, and then through a gap in the hedge on our right, a glimpse of Great Haseley Windmill.
All very flat as we stop at the windmill, just opposite this view |
Must have a word with the farmer to plant those sunflowers in front next year๐ |
Next, we dogleg on the very busy A329, infact Dave got stuck on his right hand turn by an untimely massive truck. Safely across, we are soon at the entrance to Le Manoir. Linda's mudguard needed some fine tuning at this point, so I went ahead for a wee look at the church next door.
Great Milton Church. A high contrast day of light and shade |
Just beyond the church, the route we last rode to Waterperry continues straight, but today we turned off into a lane called The Forties, then left into Windmill Hill, since John had found a suitable tea stop in Little Milton. It was all very easy to get there, since it was all downhill.
A little early on the route, at just 11 miles, but it is almost 11o'clock.... so worked well.
Little Milton Village shop and Post office |
All very easy getting here, so now with cake legs, we climbed back up to Great Milton, to resume our route. It was very gradual, so not that bad. Didn't take any photos today in Great Milton, but it's very pretty with old cottages, and a thatched Pub called The Bull. As we left Great Milton, we now leave the route to Waterperry, turning left , then right into Church Lane, this next photo capturing the view ahead.
Church Lane as we leave Great Milton behind, heading to Cuddesdon. The tall building is Ripon College. |
The road dropped further to a narrow bridge over the Thames, with a lovely 3 storey building on a corner, probably and old Mill House. With the others ahead, I stopped for a van to pass on a narrow bend, then faced the fairly steep climb to the top, with this view to the left.
Views looking back from Cuddesdon |
Once through the village a fast downhill to Denton, then a dogleg left and right to face our next climb. Linda might have stopped smiling at this point.๐ It was our longest climb of the day, and I was feeling it too. We pass through Toot Baldon, Baldon Row and Marsh Baldon, where we caught up the boys again, on this very flat section of lawn, and at the junction ahead,we turned right. This is about our halfway point.
Marsh Baldon |
Right turn in Marsh Baldon at The Seven Stars |
Now we met the A4074, and opted for the footpath. We crossed into this lane below, with no name, at Nuneham Courtenay.
(John had crossed to a track on his recce, but very narrow and overgrown, so this was a better choice).
looking back at Nuneham Courtney, as we now used this unmarked lane |
Very quirky garden, with it's large teapot set out on the table |
Soon this very impressive gate house, with a large house behind. A health club or spa I think.
Nuneham Courtney |
The tarmac came to an end, and we continued on gravel. Dave just got his first gravel bike a few days ago, after months of waiting, so now he can do gravel tracks. ๐
Clifton Hampden shop |
A sharp left bend brings us to a traffic light controlled bridge cross in the Thames, and since it was on red, a chance to glance back at St Michael's church.
St. Michael's Clifton Hampden |
A few sections of raised walkways were spotted on this next stretch, presumably with flooding in mind. At the Tjunction in Little Wittenham, we turned right, following the signpost on cycle route 5 to Brightwell, and Wallingford. First, a climb to Wittenham clumps. I've not approached this way before, and liked the shadows from the trees on this very bright day.
Wittenham Clumps ahead, and a climb of course. |
We used the little route 5 cut through on a narrow track, taking the corner off the A4130, which allowed us to cross straight over into High Road, Brightwell, and then we dropped down Church Lane and through the village. Endless thatch cottages again. (This was part of our Dorchester Ride with Daphne).
To cross the Thames, we went over Wallingford Bridge, then to Crowmarsh Gifford, through Benson with the gentle climb back Ewelme. Got back at 2.15ish, so will be a late lunch when we finally get home. A lovely new route, even with the climbs. Well done team.