Nicky, Fiona, Carole, Me, Rachel, Sarah M, Charlotte, Sarah, Cathy, Jules, Jenny |
A few weeks ago, Rachel sent the word out about a Breeze Champs ride, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Breeze this month. This was open to Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire Champs, of which Rachel is area co-ordinator. She also asked if anyone wanted to volunteer to plan a route? Otherwise, she would lead again, from Amersham. So, Amersham area is pretty hilly, so the best way to avoid that was to offer to plan a route. I got a few thank yous from ladies today for that alone.๐
Giving some thought as to a central starting point, I suggested Ewelme. Most riders had never been there, or even heard of it. I have ridden around that area many times of course, but usually starting somewhere higher, then dropping down, which means a climb back out of the valley again. So by starting at Ewelme, which is not much higher than The Thames, I was able to plan the route to avoid any big Chiltern climbs.
Taking over Cows Common Car park! |
John came with me in the van, and hung around long enough to take the photo of us all, then he cycled home on a 40 mile route. Having been to Ewelme many times and seen the pretty Almeshouse Gardens, it seemed a shame not to include them today but since Lockdown last year the gates have been closed to the public. I got in touch with the Almshouse Charity, and they put me in touch with the Chaplain. He very kindly agreed to show us around at the end of our ride. Even better, he offered the use of his own toilet before and after our ride. Amazing.
We rode through the village, which unfortunately has some roadworks going one atm, but still looking pretty anyway. At the end of the main street, we turned right and started a gradual climb to cross the B4009 where it then flattens out. Pretty lanes edged with cow parsley all the way to our first village, Britwell Badwin.
Enroute to Brightwell Baldwin |
Cathy and Fiona |
Sarah, new champ from Shinfield, and Nicky |
then through the pretty Cuxham, where my video went wrong so no photos, and shortly before arriving in Watlington a left turn into Pyrton Lane. (The second group shot passed this turn, but thankfully Carole was paying attention to the route! ) I had not ridden this lane before, but very nice and avoids going into Watlington, and out again. We stopped briefly at Pyrton church, where I explained about the beautiful daffodil display in spring. (photo below)
Photo by Rachel in Pyrton. |
A photo I took at Pyrton church mid March |
Continuing through Pyrton, the road swings left and after a mile or so, a climb. I went ahead to capture the group coming uphill. I was knackered! Trying to get ahead on a hill was suddenly not such a great idea.
Cathy near the top, followed by Jenny. |
Carole with the others spread out behind. |
Photo by Jules |
Photo by Fiona.... me with my bike in mid air, filming the view๐
A tiny bit more climbing, then left at the junction, and a stretch of road, which I discovered only recently and love. Is it because it's all downhill? We stop for just a moment, for me to point out the Watlington Spire. Its flat on the hillside, made of chalk, and shaped like a church spire which lines up with the church from a certain angle.
A lovely fast downhill now and a right turn at a junction, to join a short stretch of main road, the B480, for a short distance before a left turn into Chalgrove.
Between Pyrton and Chalgrove. Wheeee. |
We then did a U shape loop through Chalgrove, up High Street, then almost doubled back on ourselves to ride on Mill Lane. My first ride on this particular lane, and it was very pretty.
Riding and chatting alongside Carole, on Mill Lane, Chalgrove |
Now a right turn on Berrick Road as we head towards Berrick Prior, and Berrick Salome. I get ahead to film the ladies coming towards me, than had to race after them to catch up.
More pretty lanes heading for Berrick Salome |
Fiona and Sarah M. |
Catching them up. All easy going on the flat along here. |
Arriving into Benson, just opposite the RAF station, we turn right into Brook Street, where the brook we first saw in Ewelme at the Watercress beds, continues alongside the pretty roadside properties. Once through Benson, we dismount to walk across the A4074, and into the Waterfront Cafe.
A bit of faffing here today to order, since the menu is now all viewed using a QR code, and ordered online! Nicky did a sterling job of getting all our orders placed, and even though the cafe was heaving, the cakes and drinks all arrived in good time. They are always very efficient here, so I was relieved that today did not disappoint. British cycling had given Rachel a budget for our birthday cakes. Thanks๐
Dark clouds gathering at the Waterfront Cafe. Just 7 miles to go, so fingers crossed.

Above are Charlotte, Sarah, Jules, Nicky and Fiona.
Carole, Jenny, me, Cathy and Sarah |
From river level the only way is up, but not immediately. First we rode through Preston Crowmarsh, with it's pretty thatch cottages. Then a short section of cyclepath on the A4074, and a right turn into Crowmarsh Gifford. Left at the roundabout and a cut through (Cycle route 5), to cross the A4074 once more. And NOW we climb, towards Ipsden.
Climbing Cox's Lane. The toughest climb today. Short and sharp. |
Photo by Charlotte. Jules, me Nicky, Sarah arriving at the top of the climb With open views to the Ridgeway, and Ipsden. |
Gathering at the top. |
Views as we head downhill now towards Ipsden |
Left turn now heading back on a straight run to Ewelme |
We cross straight over a couple of main roads but the route is quiet lanes, which undulate with views over Benson rooftops on our left. We do our final stop to admire the view just before we drop back down to the car park in Ewelme.
Almshouses in the distance. Photo by Fiona. |
Photo by Charlotte, overlooking Ewelme |
my bike in mid air again filming from my GoPro! |
At this point, Carole, Charlotte and Sarah left us to head for home, whilst the rest of us went to Parsons Cottage to leave our bikes, and meet with the Chaplain, Stephen Cousins. He was so very willing to show us around, unlocking the almshouse gates, showing us inside an empty one, and then a look inside the beautiful church, with all the history too of Alice de la Pole, who set of the Almshouse Trust centuries ago.
The Cloisters with Almshouses surrounding it |
the Chaplain giving us a history lesson |
leaving the church, with Jerome K Jerome gravestone on the left near the back |
The final touch. Cricket on the green next to the car park. |
What a lovely morning out. It stayed dry despite the dodgy forecast. So nice to chat to all you lovely ladies, and hope we can meet up again soon. Glad that you all genuinely seemed to enjoy the ride, and the Whatsapp comments that a couple of you felt like you were on holiday. I learned all this area from my hubby John who has been cycling here for many years. I never thought I could cope with the terrain, but with the knowledge I now have of the area, it's not too difficult to keep the route to "undulations" rather than hills! ๐ I do the hills now too, slowly, since I enjoy the views and the downhills. No pain, no gain.