I led a Breeze Group today to Stoke Row. It was lovely to have Hazel in the group since I've not seen her for about a year! Barbara joined us too, and not seen her since...... yesterday!😂 lol (a coffee out of the rain). The other ladies were some regulars now, Louise, Debbie and Linda.
Barbara and Hazel catching up after many months
Ready to set off Linda, Debbie, Barbara, Hazel and Louise
I had changed the tyres on my road bike yesterday, (since the old ones actually had splits in the sides!), and as we set off, I commented on how good they were. Almost no resistance at all.
We head for Sonning via Sandford Lane, and up to Dunsden Green. I decided to lead from the back at times today, but found myself getting left behind up the hill to Dunsden. But I was working hard, and I've done this hill quite a few times recently, but today seemed like a mountain to climb.
Black skies at Dunsden Green |
I realised I was also working hard on the flat, and as we climbed gradually for the next few miles, I was not so impressed with my new tyres. Or was it just me?
Kidmore End Church
As we crossed to Wyfold Lane, and still struggling, I wondered if I had a puncture? I stopped to check my tyres, which were fully inflated, but when I spun my front wheel, it almost didn't move. It was stuck against the brake pad. I have to say I was relieved that there was a reason that I felt so absolutely knackered!
I released the brake pads and tried to reset the wheel, which helped a little, but still rubbing. I had to work hard the whole way to Stoke Row.... all up hill.
Stopping for a car to pass on Wyfold Lane
Busgrove Lane
We arrived at The Cherry Tree Inn for a well deserved rest. Ginger cake for most with a couple opting for toast. |
Garden at The Cherry Tree Inn
Bikes under the Cherry tree at The Cherry Tree Inn
Our return route was via the Kingwood, which is a lovely downhill run, and one which I normally freewheel down. But not today. Then onto Blounts Court Road, up to Binfield Heath, and back via Dunsden once more to Sonning. We returned via Woodley and back down Sandford Lane.
Well done ladies for our 1000 feet climb over 33 miles. Which felt like 133 for me! Once home, hubby was able to do a bit more adjustment, and the conclusion was that the quick release level perhaps had not been tight enough to hold the wheel firmly in place. Which is why it seemed fine to start with, but not for long. If I dont sleep well tonight, I give up. 😟