We were almost a full house for the WLCG today, but Jeanette had to pull out at the last minute. I sent a message to suggest a route to go to Shiplake with coffee at The Herb Centre, Sonning Common on our return route, and since no one else had been there, it would make a nice change. The first question Martina asked when we met was "how far is this ride?". I hadn't told them, since they might not come. But they did it ......35 miles, AND they actually enjoyed it. We have done high 20's as a group a couple of times, so this was a bit of an experiment.
We set off up Sandford Lane, and across Woodley crossing the A4 down to Sonning, then up to Dunsden Green.
Dunsden Green, and we all removed a layer.
Our climb continued gradually to Binfield Heath, where we turned left and headed over towards Sonning Common, but we turned right DOWN Devils Hill to Harpsden. Wheeeee.
Devils Hill. just before the downhill section
Passing through Harpsden, there were some sheep on our left, and as we passed there was a rather loud bleating, and I noticed that one had its head stuck in the fence. We stopped to see if we could help and Lynne approaching the sheep was enough for it to struggle free. Phew.
On a bit further a quick stop just next to the golf course, to warn them of the climb ahead with the sharp right into Woodlands Road. Best to approach it knowing what's coming!
View across what was the poppy field
Bit of a climb now up to Binfield Heath, passing this pretty house called Teapot House, on our right.
We pass through Binfield Heath for the second time, and continue over as before, but this time add in the little U shape loop at Crowsley, passing this field of horses.
Now ignoring Devils Hill, we turn next left down the potholed Blackmore Lane to Sonning Common, and to avoid using the main road, a quick loop through the houses before re emerging at The Herb Centre. It was noon by this time, and we all fancied something a bit more substantial. Martina and I had Apple and Cinnamon Brioche. They were FAB. Andrea was feeling a little wobbly as we arrived, but seemed to recover by the time we left.
Plenty people inside at The Herb Centre, but we had the outside to ourselves.
We had done 23 miles at this point, and the ladies were already impressed with their achievement. The next bit home is pretty much all downhill, so I was confident they could all do an extra 10 from here. We crossed at The Bird in Hand, taking the road back to Dunsden along Church Lane. Unfortunately Andrea still felt a little unwell, so we took a few minutes to allow her to recover. With rain forecast for around 1 o'clock. I suggested Lynne and Martina carry on, since they now know the way home.
We took our time, and made it eventually, and Andrea assures me she is now ok. I know what it's like to feel unwell on a bike ride. Such a shame, but she was enjoying it up until that point, so well done Andrea on your achievements today.
A bit of a funny shaped route to avoid getting too early to our tea stop.......
AND to avoid coming UP Devil's Hill