Washwater to Inkpen - 28 miles 1500ft

"Let's ride to the highest point in Berkshire", John said yesterday. Hmmmm. Think I need to plan the next outing.


Parking at  The Chase carpark near Washwater, we set off initially in the opposite direction from our first time here, passing twice under the A34, but very soon in to peaceful leafy lanes in the direction of Highclere.

Not far from the start, other cyclists following

As we take a right turn I spotted this wee house.

Turning here to our right, John waits as I photograph the Church behind us.....

Church of St Michaels and all Angels, Highclere

All still fairly flat for a few miles, before we start to climb more steeply to Ashmanworth.

Ashmansworth Thatch

Brilliant topiary!

Treble Clef on the left?
Stopping to admire the view

So having made all that effort to get up to Ashmansworth, a seriously steep downhill through some steep banking. Autumn carpet of leaves starting to look lovely.

And then our bigger climb of the day, to the highest point in Berkshire Nr.Combe.

Not quite the top

A nasty climb, and a bit more to come. Will be interesting getting back on.

Slog, and this is with power. Phew. 

interesting landscape. All a bit bright today unfortunately for decent photos.

John on the home stretch

Flat at last

Right turn at the top heading for Kintbury next
5 stitch panorama at the car park at the top
So now it's Wheeee downhill, whilst we pass others slogging up from the other side. (I dont know how they do it without any power. Hats off). After a few twists and turns we come into West Woodhay, passing the beautiful 17c Manor.

West Woodhay House

West Woodhay

St Lawrence's church, West Woodhay 

A few more miles and a stop at Honesty, Inkpen. They also now have seating in
a rather nice garden at the back. We opted for the front
to keep an eye on our bikes. Very few seats inside now due to Covid

Garden at Honestly, Inkpen
Garden at Honesty, Inkpen

We wiggled through a few lanes in Inkpen, mostly downhill, and were heading for Kintbury. We rode along a lovely road called Inglewood Road, with some rather grand looking grounds on our right. (Might be a retirement village according to google called Audley Inglewood). Then we passed under a strange archway, on the main road, which seemed an unusual place for it to be. I tried to look it up online, and only know that it is Grade11 listed, C19, and described as "Gate Piers and Overthrow", flanked by brackets and initials HJW and MGW

Our route today through Kintbury did not pass over the canal, but we detoured the short distance down there anyway, then came back up to continue.

Just liked the light and shadow on the canal path

Acer turning at the Old Mill next to the canal, Kintbury

lol. How cute. Has her own carpet.

3 miles to go, and all fairly flat now. A lovely ride with great views, so worth making the effort. Would have preferred a day with a bit more clouds for photos but the bonus is that it was very pleasantly warm for September.