So nice to see Kay today for the first time since lockdown (other than a thumbnail size Kay on Zoom) Susie organised the ride, and I met them at Crowthorne, along with Linda. Our destination was "Binfield".
I rode initially across Wokingham, passing Ludgrove School, down Heathlands Road and across the golf course.
Just a couple of golfers out at 9.15am |
Golf course |
We left Susie's and headed up Honey Hill, where we had to get off and walk around some roadworks. (the road was closed.... but we managed to squeeze through). Then over the ford into Redlake Lane. Crossing the railway, along Waterloo and just before we would cross the railway again, a left turn into a gap which took us onto a pathway and into the new(ish) housing development emerging at the traffic lights at the Oakingham Bell. From here we continue on the new road, and turn right at the roundabout into Binfield Road. Straight over at the end, and into Monks Path. We join Ryecroft Lane, Bottle Lane, and left into Hazlewood Lane. (all dry this time of year so fine for my ebike tyres). We continue to where this joins with Pendry Lane at the ford at Westerly Mill. We rested here for a few minutes, since it is 33 degrees today and we had regular drink stops. (plenty of shade though which was good)
Resting a few months in the shade at Westerley Mill |
Linda has shrunk! |
Horse alert... out of the way! |
Rather than head back uphill to Binfield, we now managed to find a little path which Kelly had taken me down years ago, just off Howe Lane. Initially we went wrong down a farm entrance (although it turn out we could have continued through), but instead we went a bit further along Howe Lane, to find a footpath sign, and followed this. This swings left after a while, and becomes a proper concrete track called Spinning Wheel Lane. This emerges not far short of the motorway bridge near Shurlock Row.
Now down the Straight Mile, through Hurst and into Dinton Pastures, where we had ice cream, and found a shady spot in the grass to sit. (the toilets are now open... hurray!.... but tables and chairs not available as yet. It was very peaceful and nice to sit in the shade for a while chatting before the final leg home.
And now a day for indoors trying to keep cool. Scorchio!