Risley to Sherfield on Loddon - 23 miles (18th)

Today was meant to be a Breeze ride, but within the last few days, all Breeze Rides have been cancelled due to restrictions of "Social Distancing" due to Coronavirus.  Life has changed somewhat in the past 72  hours.

I decided to meet up with Andrea and Gill, with no car sharing, and we kept a good distance apart during our ride. This is the same ride I did with John on Monday, so no photos today.

Gill is leaving for her second home in Woolacombe tomorrow, hoping that life is safer there to escape the risk of a busy town.

We did stop at House 28, Sherfield on Loddon, washing hands, and using paper towels to open any doors. We had tea in the garden. Only one other person was in the shop, and it was suggested that they may close within the coming days.

 As I now write this blog, 2 days late, the Prime Minister has just announced that ALL Cafe's, Bars, etc will close from tonight. Indefinitely.