Windsor Park with John

After a couple of days stuck in doors because of rain, we were desperate to get out today but knew that country lanes would still be waterlogged and full of even more potholes.  So, Windsor Great Park seemed a good option. There was not ONE pothole in the hole of Windsor Park. Funny that.

We were going to include a circuite round Virginia Water, but soon realised that it would be pretty hopeless with lots of dog walkers and families out on a Sunday. We weaved around heading nowhere in particular and clocked up 13 miles. Good to be out.

Smiths Polo Lawn

A bit of water around in the park, but most roads were fine. One of pink crown owned properties behind

Castle in the distant background

A good number of other cyclists also out today. Would be great to ride down the long walk...
but bikes not allowed. 

Near the village shop

Another crown owned pink property within the ground of the Great Park