A c
oooold morning. It was -1 as we set off today from Crowthorne on our Christmas ride via Ambarrow, Dell Road, Arborfield, Farley Hill and down to Henry Street Garden Centre.
There are further rides over the next 3 days, but this one was aimed at the regular Wednesday riders. Thanks to Susie for a well organised event, all prepaid and drinks pre ordered.
First day with my new pocket size Panasonic TX100 camera. I messed up some of the focus, but others turned out well. This one taken by a passer by.
The whole group, with almost everyone looking in the right direction. Ahem. Chris, Linda, Kay, Stephanie, Susie, Karan, Anne, Carol, Daphne, Carole, Barbara, Linda, Alison, Vanessa, Caroline, Sally, Jean, Andrea, Cathy, Lucie. |
The ride organiser, whistle at the ready. |
Stephanie looking very festive |
She made a list.... and is checking it twice. |
Cathy and Chris |
Carol. Great outfit. |
Alison and Sally |
Barbara and Daphne |
Andrea and Linda |
We then split into 3 groups,alphabetically, and set off a minute or so apart. Breeze champs Susie, Stephanie and Caroline led group 1, Chris and Cathy group 2, and Carole and myself took group 3.
The route had been pre ridden last week, but this morning
ice was our concern. It was mostly fine, apart from a bad patch at the corner of Ambarrow Lane, where we all met up again, making sure everyone got safely over the icy corner. (Just learned that Lucie had come off on the ice. Ouch)
We were all still a bit chilly, then Dell Road came along just in time to get the blood pumping and we soon warned up a bit at least. I also wore my new overshoes today from Wiggle. They were brilliant, and at no point did my feet feel cold.
dhb overshoes
Once up Farley Hill, a lovely downhill then we soon arrived at Henry Street where 20 bikes parked up.
Jodi, fresh back from a holiday, joined us for tea and cake |
Job done. |
After drinks and cakes, we had a quite stop at the Reindeer.
Couldn't lose the brick wall in the background, since the deer were not obliging enough to move left a bit. |
Watching the Reindeer |
We left again in 3 groups, but sadly the day did not end well. We passed the first group who had pulled off at the roadside, and later learned that a car passing much too close, had caused a rider to come off and in turn, knock another over. Her bike was also damaged and not able to be ridden.
Much relieved to find out a few hours later, than no bones were broken, just badly bruised. So angry! Drivers are getting worse, and apparently the lady driver announced that "it was not their fault" before she left the scene.