The forecast for later in the week was looking like Wednesday's planned rides might be cancelled, so I decided to advertise a Tuesday afternoon 20 mile "Mystery Tour" on the Breeze Website, as an experiment to see if any riders would join me starting at 1.30pm from Wokingham, when the weather was looking more hopeful. It was billed as a steady ride so a good pace was set from the start, and we averaged 11.4mph.
I was delighted that Hazel, Andrea, Linda R, Carol, Juliette, Rachael and Carole all signed up. (Carole opted to come in her Breeze gear, so was my assistant, and looked after those at the back of the group.)
We basically wiggled around doing a few figure of 8's in well known lanes around Binfield and Hurst. I was amused that several of the ladies didn't have a clue where they were some of the time, despite the fact they have ridden these lanes many times.... maybe just from the opposite direction.
Rachael, still relatively new to cycling found the "steady pace" a little fast at times on the hills, so Carole was able to stay with her on the hillier sections, whilst the others did a faster pace. We all joined up of course at various junctions. There were quite a few hills involved, and we rode a 444 foot elevation overall.
Our only disappointment, was that the planned tea shop closed at 3pm, and we arrived at 3.15pm. Never mind, will know if we do that again. With the clocks changing soon, we probably wont get another opportunity for an afternoon ride till next spring, so it was good to get out there.
A few photos.
Team photo on Bottle Lane |
It turned out a beautiful, and warm afternoon |
Stopping for a breather at the top of Church Hill, Hurst |
These never seem to work, but here we all are |
Another little loop on the way home round a couple more lanes, and a road block had to be negotiated. |