FBC to Eversley Breeze Ride

Bit of a shock to find it was a cool day, even though most of us turned out in shorts.

Stephanie's ride today, assisted by Chris and Michelle. 10 riders in total.


We soon warmed up using the "gallop track" up to WhiteHorse Lane, near Finch Church.

Then across the ridges, passing a pretty house, before emerging near the lakes on Lower Sandhurst Road.

Now round the lakes, and once out, cycled around the lanes towards Yatelely cutting through a couple of gravelly pathways. Tea stop at Chequers Pub, then the inevitable uphill of Dell Road. Rain just starting at this point.

Barbara in 3rd place up Dell Road

photo call before we split as some riders went a  more direct route back to Crowthorne.
We continue down Wick Hill Lane, up Church Lane to Finch, and down the lovely White Horse Lane, then through California Country Park, back to the start.

Thanks to the Breeze Champs as ever, for getting us all our there. More serious rain just by the time I made it home...... but good for the garden!