Breeze Garden Visit to Old Waterfield, Ascot

20 Breeze cyclists made their way yesterday to a garden visit at Old Waterfield, Ascot, organised by Chris. (I drove since was feeling a bit unwell)

The 4 acre garden  owned by Hugh & Catherine Stevenson is tucked in between Ascot Racecourse and Golf Course. They grow everything from seed and are self sufficient from their large vegetable area for 10 months of the year.  Other than help from an 82 year old gentleman to mow their vast lawns, and professionals tackling some of the larger hedging, Hugh and Catherine do everything themselves. Quite an undertaking, but it's their passion.

We split into 2 groups, with Catherine sharing her knowledge of the herbaceous borders, which also include several annuals to  provide late season colour. She was a meteorologist, and still checks the rain levels every day, using a special rain collection container. Not much to report this summer! Their water table is however fairly high, which is why the property is named Old Waterfield, so their garden has not suffered as badly as some, during several weeks of drought this summer.

Hugh is the vegetable expert and showed us round his patch, a converted tennis court.

Thank you Catherine and Hugh for sharing your garden with us, and also your delicious cakes.Oh and also nice to meet your dog Bacon!

Here they come! 

Bacon enjoying the attention

A friends helps them with tea service

Catherine  begins with a little history of the house and garden

The rain catching pot, recorded every day of the year




Lythrum with Verbena

A Clematis now at seedhead stage

Gaura Whirling Butterflies

Hibiscus next to the house

Tomatoes and Aubergines in the greenhouse

Hugh finishing his first tour of the vegetable area

 Tulbaghia violacea

The impressive vegetable area

The onion patch

Out to dry and will be stored later today

Me, me me!

Thanks from all of us for a lovely morning