Crowthorne to Beech Hill - 27.5 miles

A nice run with just 3 of us today starting in Crowthorne, meant the pace was pretty quick, as not so much stopping to regroup.

Thanks to Susie who planned the route, most of which was familiar, with a new tea stop (for me) at the church in Beech Hill. Great find! China cups and all.

On our return from Beech Hill we cut through Lambs Lane, and Kingsbridge Hill, before crossing over and returning via Bramshill.

It started off really bright and sunny for the first half of the ride, than a bit overcast, but very pleasant, and we all were feeling overdressed for the first time this year.

Finchapstead Church, as we passed on our way to White Horse Lane

Top of  Farley Hill

Part Lane, Swallowfield, with blue skies and lush fields

Susie and Linda waiting for the photographer on Part Lane, Swallowfield

Beech Hill Church is also the village shop. Great idea and they also serve tea and coffee.

Very posh , with fresh flowers too. 

St Mary the Virgin Church Beech Hill

On on way back, and cutting through Kingsbridge Hill, crossing a stream

The stream on Kingsbridge Hill