Windsor and Dorney - 20 miles

A GORGEOUS day at last for our ride, starting today at Watersplash Lane, Windsor. Led by Susie and Chris and a also a rare appearance by Kelly.

Lovely to have the company of Kelly's daughter, Rheannon and to see Maria for the first time in a while. We were also joined by Rose, and her friend Sally, and Claire. And great to see Carol with us too. Jodi joined us a mile or so into Windsor Great Park

Setting off.Chris, Susie, Karan, Claire, Sally, Rose, Maria, Carol, Rheanon, Kelly

As we hit Windsor town

Crossing the bridge at Eton

Beautiful wild flowers in  Dorney, to replace the poppies of early summer

Tea stop at Dorney Court and Jodi who missed the team photo at the start

Kelly and Rhianan riding alongside the Thames a we head head back into Windsor

Approaching Windsor

Crossing back over Eton Bridge

So many Oak trees, not yet showing their autumnal shades, as we ride out of Windsor
towards the Great Park

Loved these clouds!

Cutting through the cycle path, towards the official entry to the Great Park

Majestic Oak 

These  cows were a bit vocal!

Windsor Great Park, and tee-shirt weather

A little bit of autumn colour.... but not great

And almost back to the start.