Wokingham to Wellington Farm Shop, Risley - 24.5 miles

A cold start to a beautiful autumnal morning, and 13 of us met up at FBC to cycle over to Wellington Farm Shop, via Farley Hill.   Done this route many times, so photos just to record who was there.

Led by Carole, and assisted by Chris.

Linda B started out with us, but felt unwell, so left us shortly after the start, Poor Linda, jet lagged after her recent travels.

Farley Hill - top of the hill. Most of us in long trousers and extra layer for the first time in months.

Nutbean Lane.  About to re join the Swallowfield Road (photo by Carole)

Beautiful day to set out at the farm shop

Hazel and Denise talking to the Swiss Valais Blacknosed Sheep

Think there's a face in there somewhere!

Different route back and along School Road, Swallowfield

Carole approaching Bramshill Plantation

We are a colourful group

Carole taking a shot......
and here it is... nice one Carole
Thank you team leaders. good to be out on this beautiful day.