Stoke Row to Goring Evening ride and pub - 18.5 miles (380m climb)

Another lovely evening for our 3rd consecutive Thursday evening bike ride with friends. Starting time another 30 mins earlier at 5pm, as the evenings get darker.  This week we met at The Cherry Tree, Stoke Row, booked our table for 7.00pm.

The route from Johns garmin

We set off towards Nuffield on the long slow gradual climb... we are off to a good start! Just passed the bus stop, turned left into Brixton Hill, passed the church and shortly afterwards stopped to take in the view. It quickly disappears behind hedges for a while so this gate is the best opportunity.

It's definitely harvest time.

Once passed the Oakley Court development, we took next left and the roads start to deteriorate a bit, so gently does it with plenty of pot holes and gravel.

Then straight on through Hailey, and another photo stop, as the light was gorgeous on this field being harvested.

patiently waiting for the photographer.

Combine harvest at work

Soon, straight across on the busy A4074, and continued straight to cross the next road, South Stoke Road. Up hill now, phew, before turning right at the farm.... (we will later retrace our last few miles)

 And now I have to catch them all up.

At the end of this "track" we come to the Wallingford Road B4009, quite busy this time of the day, but after about 200yards, turn right heading to Rossini's restaurant on the riverside.

View as we  head over to Rossinis
Photographer at work at Rossini's on The Thames nr Goring
Nigel, Linda, Linda, Nigel, Carole and moi

The view the other way
Next we took a gravel path towards Goring, but turned left to go under the railway and then straight over. Next left into Icknield Road and another tough climb. Done this one several time now, and never enjoy it!

Linda enjoying a drink as the climb from Goring if finally over. 
And now retrace part of the route passed the grass airfield strip and waiting a few minutes to see this microlight take off. Took a along time!

Nigel and  Nigel waiting for liftoff

Knowing what was coming soon. ( hill!) Linda and I took off to get a head start, then just as the other caught up, a road block.
Bottom Hill, and dark skies looming

Not the best place to meet a tractor

And now part way up the big climb, a stop for breath, to admire the view of course! Name the silhouette cyclists?

Getting gloomy now amongst the tree shade and just about 4 miles to go. The best bit is at the top of this hill its a nice downhill back into Stoke Row, where beer. wine and good food were waiting at 

Good fun, but feeling knackered after a heavy week with digging, planting and of course yesterdays cycle ride. Thanks to Linda, Linda, Carole, Nigel, Nigel and our team leader John.